SSC Selection- The dream of crores of candidates

A sharp Insights of Events-

5 year data of Application received, appeared candidates and qualified members

YearRegistered / Scheduled candidatesAppeared candidatesQualified Members through All India Open Competitive Exam+Selection Post% of Qualified Candidates in respect of Appeared candidates

If we look at the data of the last 5 years on average 1.30 crore and more applications are received every year but the candidates appearing in the examination are less than 50%(Approx)of registered candidates and qualified candidates are on average 0.79% of appearing candidates.

The highest no of applications received in the year 2017-18 and the highest no of candidates selected in the year 2020-21. In 2016-17 applications from women candidates were higher till now which is 35% of the total applications received.

Initiative to encourage Women to apply for SSC -

To promote the participation of women candidates in its examinations. During the year 2020-21, out of 1,54,06,743 candidates who registered for various All India Open Competitive Examinations of the Commission, 48,76,066 were women candidates. In percentage terms, the share of women candidates was 31.65%.

YearPercentage of female candidates registered

This is a very commendable step for the SSC, but if we look at the record of five years, there is not much progress in it.

The Commission is committed to encouraging women candidates to appear in various examinations. To achieve this objective, SSC’s steps are-

  • All women candidates, irrespective of their category, are exempted from payment of the examination fee.
  • A caption is prominently displayed on every advertisement’s first page, which reads “the Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply”.
  • They don’t allow random locations for women like banking and teaching. They give priority to women in case of location, they try to give the safest location possible to women candidates.

I will add buget and court cases analysis tommorrow

Court Cases on SSC “Persistent problem”

YearNumber of Court Cases

Reason behind these Court cases according to SSC-
It has been observed, as a discernible trend over the years, that after the declaration of the final result of any examination, there is a surge in filing of court cases by unsuccessful candidates.

The reason I think behind the court cases-

1- Late result declaration
2- Normalisation
3- Paper Leak
4- Delay in the recruitment process, etc

4 days later

SSC Selected candidates through All India Open Competitive Exam data category wise -

Year 2020-21


No. of Highest seats secured by OBC Category - 31581 which is Approx 46% of total seats.

Year 2019-2020


No of highest seat secured by GEN Category - 6487 which is approx 46% of total seats.

Year 2018-19


No. of highest seats secured by OBC Category - 6994 which is approx 43% of total seats.

Year 2017-18


No. of highest seats secured by OBC Category - 14443 which is approx 41% of total seats.