

SSC MTS or Staff Selection Commission-Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Examination is a national level exam conducted by SSC for recruitment of candidates in General Central Service Group-C non-gazetted, non-ministerial posts in various ministries, departments and offices of the Government of India. Candidates recruited as multi-tasking staff by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) fall in Pay Band-1 (INR 5,200-20,200) + Grade Pay INR 1,800.

SSC MTS Designation

The SSC MTS exam is conducted to recruit the candidates for the following posts:

  • Multi tasking staff
  • Havaldar
  • Peon
  • Daftary
  • Jamadar
  • Junior Gestetner Operator

How to apply:

  • Applications must be submitted in online mode at the website of the Commission i.e. https://ssc.nic.in/
  • Click Apply
  • Go to Others tab
  • From here, login and register.
  • Follow the given steps to fill out the basic information and the application form.
  • Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the SSC website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.

SSC MTS Eligibility Criteria

Nationality Condition for SSC MTS Exam

The candidates must be a

  • A citizen of India, or
  • A subject of Nepal, or
  • A subject of Bhutan, or
  • A Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January,1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India,
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India

Educational Qualification required for SSC MTS exam

  • The candidate must have passed the Matriculation exam from any recognised board.
  • The candidates appearing in their Matriculation exam can fill out the form but their final result must be declared before the said date otherwise they will not be considered eligible for the exam.

Age limit for SSC MTS exam

SSC revised the age limit for the Havaldar post. Now the upper age limit for the Havaldar post is 27 years.

  • (i) Age of 18 years and should not exceed the age of 25 years, as of January 1, 2022 (i.e. candidates born not before 02-01-1997 and not later than 01-01-2004) for MTS

  • (ii) Age of 18 years and should not exceed the age of 27 years, as of January 1, 2022 (i.e. candidates born not before 02-01-1995 and not later than 01-01-2004) for Havaldar in CBIC (Department of Revenue) and CBN (Department of Revenue) and few posts of MTS.

CategoryPermissible age relaxation (in years)
SC/ST5 years
OBC3 years
PwD (Unreserved)10 years
PwD (OBC)10 years
PwD (SC/ST)15 years
Ex-Servicemen3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.
Defense Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof 3 years
Defense Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ST)8 years
Central Government Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications.Up to 40 years of age.
Central Government Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications. (SC/ ST)Up to 45 years of age.
Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried.Up to 35 years of age.
Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (SC/ ST).Up to 40 years of age.

Application Fee:

  • Fee payable: Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only)
  • Exempted: Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and Exservicemen (ESM)

Scheme of Examination:

TIER-1 The examination will consist of a Computer Based Examination (Paper-I)

NOTE- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST) (only for the post of Havaldar)

TIER-2 The exam will be a Descriptive Paper in ‘Pen and Paper’ Mode and candidates will be required to write a short essay or letter


PartSubjectNumber of Questions/ Maximum MarksTime Duration (For all four Parts)
IGeneral English25/ 2590 Minutes
IIGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning25/ 25
IIINumerical Aptitude25/ 25
IVGeneral Awareness25/ 25

As the Computer Based Examination is conducted in multiple shifts, marks scored by candidates is normalized as per the FORMULA. As per the provision under Para-17.1 and Para-17.2 of the Notice of the Examination, candidates have been shortlisted in Paper-I using normalized scores of the candidates. Further, separate age group-wise, category-wise and State/ UT-wise cut-off have been fixed in Paper-I, as the vacancies are reported under two age groups i.e. (i) 18 to 25 years and (ii) 18 to 27 years.

PARA 17.1-

The candidates selected through this examination for the post of MTS will be posted in different Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of the Government of India or various Constitutional Bodies/ Statutory Bodies/ Tribunals, etc. in various States/ UTs. The candidates will preferably be posted initially in the allotted States/ UTs. However, depending on the requirement of the User Departments, they may also be posted in different States/ UTs. Therefore, candidates should be willing to serve anywhere in India.

PARA 17.2-

The candidates selected through this examination for the post of Havaldar in CBIC will be posted in different Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs) across the country. It may be noted that the candidates selected against a Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) in CBIC will be required to serve throughout the service period in that CCA only, subject to cadre restructuring in CBIC from time to time.


SubjectMaximum MarksTime DurationTime Duration (For all four Parts)
Short Essay and a Letter in English or in any language included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.50 (25+25)45 minutes90 Minutes
IIGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning25/ 25
IIINumerical Aptitude25/ 25
IVGeneral Awareness25/ 25
  • Paper-I will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi for Part-II, III & IV

  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

  • Marks scored by candidates in Paper-I (Computer Based Examination), if conducted in multiple shifts, will be normalized.


1. English language

Candidates’ understanding of the basics of English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. and writing ability would be tested.

2. General Intelligence and Reasoning

  • Similarities and differences
  • Space visualization
  • Problem solving
  • Analysis
  • Judgement
  • Decision making
  • Visual memory
  • Discriminating observation
  • Relationship concepts
  • Figure classification
  • Arithmetical number series
  • Non-verbal series
  • Abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship
  • Arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.

3. Numerical Aptitude

  • Number Systems
  • Computation of Whole Numbers
  • Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers
  • Fundamental arithmetical operations
  • Percentages
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Averages
  • Interest
  • Profit and Loss
  • Discount
  • Use of Tables and Graphs
  • Mensuration
  • Time and Distance
  • Ratio and Time
  • Time and Work, etc.

4. General awareness

Questions are designed to test the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society.

The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to -

  • History
  • Culture
  • Geography
  • Economic Scene
  • General policy
  • Scientific research.


  • The Paper will be set in Hindi, English and in other languages mentioned in the Schedule-VIII of the Constitution, to test basic language skills commensurate with the educational qualification prescribed for the post.

  • Candidates will be required to write one short essay/ letter.


  • Paper-II will be of descriptive type in ‘Pen and Paper’ Mode in which the candidates will be required to write a short essay and a letter in English or any language included in the Schedule-VIII of the Constitution.

  • Paper-II will only be of qualifying nature and is intended to test elementary language skills in view of categorization of the post as Group-C and in view of job requirements. However, marks scored by the candidates in Paper-II will be used to decide merit in case more than one candidate score equal normalized marks in Paper-I

  • In Paper-II, candidates must write their correct Roll Number at the prescribed places on the cover page of the Answer Book. Candidates must also affix signature and Left-hand Thumb Impression in the relevant columns in the Answer Book. Answer Books not bearing Roll Number, Signature and Left-hand Thumb Impression shall be awarded zero marks

  • Candidates must not write any personal identity e.g. name, roll number, mobile number, address, etc. inside the Answer Book (Paper-II). Failure to adhere to these instructions will be treated as Unfair Means (UFM) and such candidates will be awarded zero marks and their candidature will be rejected.


- The candidates selected through this examination for the post of MTS will be posted in different Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of the Government of India or various Constitutional Bodies/ Statutory Bodies/ Tribunals, etc. in various States/ UTs. The candidates will preferably be posted initially in the allotted States/ UTs. However, depending on the requirement of the User Departments, they may also be posted in different States/ UTs. Therefore, candidates should be willing to serve anywhere in India.

  • The candidates selected through this examination for the post of Havaldar in CBIC will be posted in different Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs) across the country. It may be noted that the candidates selected against a Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) in CBIC will be required to serve throughout the service period in that CCA only, subject to cadre restructuring in CBIC from time to time.

  • The candidates are therefore required to give preferences of Post-cumStates/ UTs/ CCAs in the order of priority, in the online application Form.

Resolution Of Tie Cases:

In cases where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregate marks, tie will be resolved by applying the following methods, one
after another, till the tie is resolved:

  1. Total marks in Paper-II.
  2. Marks in Part-IV of CBE.
  3. Date of birth i.e. the candidate older in age gets preference.
  4. Alphabetical order of the names.


  • The recruitment process for the post of MTS will consist of Paper-I i.e. Computer Based Examination (CBE), Paper-II (Descriptive) and Document Verification.
  • The recruitment process for the post of Havaldar will consist of Paper-I i.e. Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Efficiency
UROBC/ EWSAll other categories


URAll other categories

Salary, perks and other benefits

Pay level and grade pay

All SSC MTS candidates get salary in Pay-Grade 1 of 7th commission (INR 18000 – INR 56900).


House rent allowance

The house rent allowance is given as a percentage of basic pay depending on the type of city

  • City X – 27%
  • City Y – 18%
  • City Z – 9%

Transport allowance

This is also based on what city the candidate is in -

  • City X – Rs. 1350
  • City Y – Rs. 900
  • City Z – Rs. 900

Medical allowance

The government organizations will reimburse all the medical expenses of the treatment to any of their employees or their family members.


Pension is based on the amount of money that gets deducted from the salary the the employee every month. This gets rewarded after retirement when the employee gets a handsome amount every month.

In-hand salary

Following is the calculation of in hand salary(approx) that a MTS aspirant may get according to his city after all deductions and allowances

City (Category) XYZ
Basic Pay 18000 1800018000
HRA 32028801440
TA 1350900900
Gross Salary236702178020340
NPS 180018001800
CGHS 125125125
CGEGIS 150015001500
Total Deduction 342534253425
In-Hand Salary 202451835516915


nemankyadav changed the title to SSC MTS - Information Bulletin .
7 months later

Promotion in SSC MTS

SSC Multi Tasking Staff(MTS) under various departments are promoted to higher posts/salary structures after some period of duty. The employees can also get promotions by clearing departmental exams. To get a promotion, an SSC MTS employee has to complete a minimum of 3 years of service.

However, the Grade Pay of SSC MTS is increased from time to time with every promotion.

PromotionService timeGP
First PromotionAfter 3 YearsRs. 1900/-
Second PromotionAfter 3 YearsRs. 2000/-
Third PromotionAfter 5 YearsRs. 2400/-
Final Promotion-Rs. 5400/-

Now let’s see the carrier growth of the post of an MTS

  1. MTS
  2. LDC
  3. Asst. UDC
  4. UDC
  5. SO

MTS Job Profile

The SSC MTS selected candidates for different Group ‘D’ and ‘C’ posts in central government departments and ministries. The work and responsibilities can vary from department to department.
Here are some posts that are allotted to SSC MTS candidates:

- Watchman (Chowkidar)

- Gardener (Mali)

- Gatekeeper

- Operator

- Peon (Farash)

- Jamadar

The Role and Responsibility of a candidate selected through SSC MTS

- Work-related to ITI qualifications.

- Maintaining Records

- Delivery of posts

- Opening and Closing offices

- Office cleaning

- Driving vehicles

Technical duties can also be allotted to an MTS according to their educational qualification such as ITI holders. Usually, an MTS staff does photocopying, filing, and other various works at various offices. Different works may also be allotted to them by the authorities in their section.

Can anyone plz explain whether the descriptive paper in MTS is of only a qualifying nature or not?

    Yes, the exam will be of only qualifying nature. The marks of the descriptive paper are not included in the final merit list.
    But you have to score at least equal to passing marks to be in the race.

    Absolutely. Female can join as MTS after qualifying SSC MTS examination. It is an excellent way for Indian 10th-grade graduates to obtain a Government job.


    The department where an MTS can be posted is:-

    - CBDT

    - CBIC

    - Central Secretariat

    - Department of Telecommunication

    - Press Information Bureau

    - Ministry of Defence

    - Department of Science and Technology

    - CAG

    - Labour Bureau

    - MEA

      As an MTS joins different departments, the criteria for promotion depends on that particular office.
      Like an MTS joins in Income Tax Department, he will be promoted to Tax Assistant after 3 years of service and if you are in CAG you will be applicable to take a Departmental exam after one year of service that is DCT and if you clear that you will be promoted according to your educational qualification.

      Na, aisa generally nhi hota hai. Aap jis department me join karte hai ussi department se retire karte hai.

      a month later