

National Defence Academy and Naval Academy I and II are National level Exams conducted twice a year (NDA I and NDA II) for those who want to make a career in Defence Servicesand serve the Nation in .A cadet must undergo training for a total of six terms i.e. three years before graduating from the NDA.

This examination is a two-step process where candidates first need to take the exam and then qualify for the personality test. While the last notification for NDA & NA I, 2021 was released on 30.12.2020, the exam was conducted on 18.04.2021 and the result was declared on July 2nd, 2021.

This year National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (NDA & NA) II, 2021 will be conducted by UPSC for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 148th Course, and for the 110th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). NDA and NA (II) that was scheduled to be conducted on September 5, 2021 has been postponed and the New date for the exam is now 14.11.2021. NDA I and II follow the same application process, eligibility criteria and guidelines, the following are details of the ongoing Exam i.e. NDA II, 2021.

Important Dates

Release of Official Notification09.06.2021
Last Date for Submission29.06.2021 till 6 P.M
Release of Admit Card3 weeks before Exam
Date of Exam14.11.2021 (One Day)
Date of Physical and InterviewTo be Announced
Window for Withdrawal of Application06.07.2021 to 12.07.2021

Note: Exam helpdesk number: 011-23385271/011-23381125/011- 23098543


Nationality: A candidate must be an unmarried male and must be :
(i) a citizen of India, or
(ii) a subject of Nepal or
(iii) a person of Indian origin*
Certificate of eligibility will not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.
(* for detail please refer to official notification)

Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status

Age LimitsSexMarital Status:
Not born earlier than 02.01.2003 and not later than 01.01.2006Only male candidatesUnmarried

Note: Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at this or any subsequent Examination will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the Government.

Educational Qualifications:

Name of AcademyCriteria
For Army Wing of National Defence AcademyPassed 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defence Academy and 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme at the Indian Naval Academy12th Class pass with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent conducted by a State Education Board or a University.


Category/ criteriaFee
Unreserved, OBC and EWS Candidates100
Sons of serving/ex-Junior Commissioned Officers/Non-Commissioned Officers/Other Ranks of Army and equivalent ranks in Navy/ Air ForceExempted
SC/ST candidates/Sons of Junior Commissioned Officers/Non Commissioned Officers/Other RanksExempted
Candidates studying in Military School run by Sainik Schools Society. A certificate of eligibility for fee exemption is required by such candidates from Principals And produced at the time of SSB Test/Interview.Exempted
Modes of Payment (a)Cash deposit at any SBI Branch ( next day) (b)Online ModeAny Branch of State Bank of India (one should generate Pay-in-slip during part II of registration Using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card or Internet Banking of SBI( till 6:00 P.M. of 29.06.2021)

How to Apply

  • Candidates must fill both, Part I and II of Registration
  • Candidates are required to apply Online at www.upsconline.nic.in with an active email id and phone number.
  • If multiple applications are submitted by mistake, candidates must ensure that application with the higher Registration ID is complete in all respects like applicant details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc.
  • Candidates must be ready with a scanned photograph(max 300 KB size) and signature(max.20 KB size), any one photo ID issued by the Central or State Government before registering for Part II.


  • A candidate is required to specify clearly in the Online Application Form the Services for which he wishes to be considered in the order of his preference. He is also advised to indicate as many preferences as he wishes to opt so that having regard to his rank in the order of merit due consideration can be given to his preferences when making appointments.

  • Candidates who were previously withdrawn from the National Defence Academy or Indian Naval Academy on medical grounds or left the above Academy voluntarily are, however, eligible for admission to the Academy provided they satisfy the medical and other prescribed conditions.

  • Candidates already in Government Service including candidates serving in the Armed Forces, Sailors (including boys and artificers apprentices) of the Indian Navy, Cadets of Rashtriya Indian Military College, Students of Rashtriya Military Schools and Sainik Schools, Government owned industrial undertakings or other similar organizations or in private employment should apply online directly to the Commission.

Travelling Allowance: Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of Commission i.e. Permanent or Short Service, shall be entitled for AC III Tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of Commission will not be entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion.

Scheme of Written Test

SubjectCodeDurationMaximum Marks
Mathematics 0012½ Hours300
General Ability Test 600022½ Hours600


  • There will be a 0.33% Negative Marking for an incorrect answer

  • All the candidates who have successfully qualified in the written examination are required to register themselves online on Directorate General of Recruiting website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in,
    with the same Email ID as provided to UPSC while filling UPSC online application.

  • After having cleared the written Exam, candidates should log on to following websites for SSB centres and date
    of interview within 2 weeks.


Intelligence and Personality Test

A two-stage/ part selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test has been introduced. All the candidates will be put to stage-one test on the first day of reporting at Selection Centres. Only those who qualify in Part I will be admitted to the second stage/remaining tests. Details of these tests are explained below.

Intelligence and Personality Test: Part I and Part II

Part I (2 Events)Part II (4 Events)
Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR)Interview
Picture Perception * Description Test (PP&DT)Group Testing Officer Tasks
Psychology Tests

Method of Assessment:

  • The personality of a candidate is assessed by three different assessors viz. The Interviewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) and the Psychologist.

  • There is no separate weightage for each test. The marks are allotted by assessors only after taking into consideration the performance of the candidate holistically in all the tests.

  • In addition, marks for Conference are also allotted based on the initial performance of the Candidate in the three techniques and decisions of the Board. All these have equal weightage.

  • The various tests of IO, GTO and Psych are designed to bring out the presence/absence of Officer Like Qualities and their trainability in a candidate. Accordingly, candidates are Recommended or Not Recommended at the SSB

  • Candidates who qualify stage II will be required to submit the Original Certificates along with one photocopy each of OriginalMatriculation pass certificate or equivalent in support of date of Birth, and Original 10+2 pass certificate or equivalent in support of educational qualification.

  • The final allocation/selection for admission to the Army, Navy, Air Force of the National Defence Academy and 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme of Indian Naval Academy will be made upto the number of vacancies available subject to eligibility, medical fitness and merit-cum-preference of the candidates. The candidates who are eligible to be admitted to multiple Services/Courses will be considered for allocation/selection with reference to their order or preferences and in the event of their final allocation/ selection to one Service/Course, they will not be considered for admission to other remaining Services/Courses.


Paper 1: Maths

AlgebraSets, Venn diagrams. De Morgan laws, Cartesian product, relation, equivalence relation. real numbers Complex numbers, argument, cube roots of unity. Binary system of numbers. Conversion of a number( decimal to binary vice-versa) Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions. Quadratic equations. linear inequations of two variables by graphs. Permutation and Combination. Binomial theorem, Log
TRIGONOMETRYAngles and their measures in degrees and in radians. Trigonometric ratios. Trigonometric identities Sum and difference formulae. Multiple and Sub-multiple angles. Inverse trigonometric functions. Applications-Height and distance, properties of triangles.
MATRICES AND DETERMINANTSMatrices, operations on matrices, Determinant of matrix, basic properties of determinants. Adjoint and inverse of square matrix, Applications-Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three unknowns by Cramer’s rule and by Matrix Method.
ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONSRectangular Cartesian Coordinate system. Distance formula. Equation of a line in various forms. Angle between two lines. Distance of a point from a line. Equation of a circle in standard and in general form. Standard forms of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Eccentricity and axis of a conic. Point in a three dimensional space, distance between two points. Direction Cosines and direction ratios. Equation two points. Direction Cosines and direction ratios. Equation of a plane and a line in various forms. Angle between two lines and angle between two planes. Equation of a sphere.
DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUSConcept of a real valued function–domain, range and graph of a function. Composite functions, one to one, onto and inverse functions. Notion of limit, Standard limits—examples. Continuity of functions—examples, algebraic operations on continuous functions. Derivative of function at a point, geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivative—applications. Derivatives of sum, product and quotient of functions, derivative of a function with respect to another function, derivative of a composite function. Second order derivatives. Increasing and decreasing functions. Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima.
INTEGRAL CALCULUS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSIntegration as inverse of differentiation integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions. Evaluation of definite integrals—determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves—applications. Definition of order and degree of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation by examples. General and particular solution of differential equations, solution of first order and first degree differential equations of various types—examples. Application in problems of growth and decay.
VECTOR ALGEBRAVectors in two and three dimensions, magnitude and direction of a vector. Unit and null vectors, addition of vectors, scalar multiplication of a vector, scalar product or dot product of two vectors. Vector product or cross product of two vectors. Applications—work done by a force and moment of a force and in geometrical problems.
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYStatistics : Classification of data, Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distribution—examples. Graphical representation—Histogram, Pie Chart, frequency polygon— examples. Measures of Central tendency—Mean, median and mode. Variance and standard deviation—determination and comparison. Correlation and regression. Probability : Random experiment, outcomes and associated sample space, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, impossible and certain events. Union and Intersection of events. Complementary, elementary and composite events. Definition of probability—classical and statistical—examples. Elementary theorems on probability—simple problems. Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem—simple problems. Random variable as function on a sample space. Binomial distribution


Section of ExamTopics included*
Part ‘A’—ENGLISH (Maximum Marks—200)Grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension and cohesion in extended text to test the candidate’s proficiency in English.
Part ‘B’—GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Maximum Marks—400)Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography, Current Events. (topics not to be regarded as exhaustive and topics of similar nature not specifically mentioned in the syllabus may also be asked).

Points to Remember

  • Candidates who are appearing in the 12th Class under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination.Candidates appearing in the 11th class exam are not eligible for this examination.

  • Educational Certificates are required to be submitted only after the declaration of the result of the written part of the examination. Such candidates who qualify the SSB interview but could not produce Matriculation/10+2 or equivalent certificate in original at the time of SSB interview have to forward Photocopies to Directorate General of Recruiting, Army HQ, or their candidature will be cancelled*

  • A candidate who has resigned or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any of the training academies of Armed Forces is not eligible to apply.

  • Candidates who fail in the CPSS cannot apply for admission to NDA Exam for the flying branch of Air Force wing or General Duties(Pilot) branch or Naval Air Arm

  • Photo ID will be used for all future referencing and the candidate is advised to carry this ID while appearing for examination/SSB.

  • Parents or guardians of the candidates will be required to sign a certificate relieving SSB of any injury which they may sustain in the course of or as a result of any of the tests given to them

  • Candidates must write the papers in their own hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed a scribe.

  • Every Candidate for the Flying Branch of Air Force is given computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) only onceThe grades secured by him will hold good for every subsequent interview he has with airforce selection board.those who have given CPSS for any previous NDA course should submit their application for the Air Force Wing only if they qualifiy CPSS. In case a candidate has failed in CPSS/not tested for CPSS for being HWG, the candidate would be considered for Ground Duty branch of IAF

  • Those candidates, who have failed CPSS/PABT earlier, are now eligible for Air Force in Ground Duty branches if they fill their willingness in the Online Application Form available at the Commission’s website.

  • Candidates who are debarred by the Ministry of Defence from holding any type of Commission in the Defence
    Services shall not be eligible

  • Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at this or any subsequent Examination will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the Government.

Stipend and Salary/ Allowances during Course of Duty
The stipend given to the Gentlemen Cadets during training is Rs around 56,100.

Flying Allowances: The Army Aviators (Pilots) in Lt and above for Level 10 and above serving in the Army
Aviation Corps are entitled to a flying allowance of Rs 25,000 (R1H1 of Risk and Hardship Matrix).

Children Education Allowance: Rs 2, 250 per month will be given per child for two eldest surviving only. This allowance is admissible from Nursery to Class 12.

Siachen Allowance: Rs 42,500 per month

In case of disability:
Monthly Ex-gratia amount of Rs 9,000 per month.
Ex-gratia disability award of Rs 16,200 per month

In case of death:
Ex-gratia amount of Rs 12.5 lakhs to the NoK.
The Ex-gratia amount of Rs 9,000 per month to the NoK.
The Ex-gratia awards to Cadets (Direct)/Next of Kin, will be sanctioned purely on ex-gratia basis and the same should not be treated as pension for any purpose.

Retirement benefits: Pension, gratuity and casualty pensionary awards will be given in accordance with the rules in force from time to time.

7 months later
3 months later

Merit list for the National Defence Academy is prepared by combining the marks of written exam and SSB Interview. Both have same weightage. So you can cover up marks of your written exam in the SSB Interview. So I’d suggest you to start preparing for the SSB

megha Are you having your name on the result list you can check the written exam results of National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (I) 2022 on the official website on upsc.gov.in.(upsc.gov.in). Check your roll no. if you have the roll no. in the given in pdf then you can prepare further.


Yes you should prepare for the NDA SSB exam ho skta h interview better nikl gya toh chances h ki apka nikal jaye. So you can start preparing for the exam.

3 months later