Common Universities Entrance Test(CUET) earlier known as CUCET has now become mandatory for admission in 45 central universities from the academic session 2022-2023. Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) has been renamed Common Universities Entrance Test(CUET) by the National Testing Agency(NTA).

  • The goal of establishing a standardised entrance exam at the undergraduate level is to shift the focus away from rote learning and toward enhancing students’ critical thinking abilities.
  • Students will be able to apply for admission to any of the Central Universities (CUs) across the country.
  • The Common Universities Entrance Test will be held in 13 languages( Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, English, Hindi and Urdu) across the country at various exam centres.
  • Boards marks will not play a significant role in CUET and will not be a criterion for admission. For example- A university may keep 60% as minimum marks in 12th as an admission criteria in their university.
  • CUET will provide a single-window opportunity for students to seek admission to any of the Central Universities (CUs) across the country.
  • The notion of CUET, which is promoted in the National Education Policy 2020, is not new. It was initially held in 2010 for admission to 1,500 seats in undergraduate, postgraduate, and integrated courses at seven central universities.


  • For appearing in the CUET (UG) , there is no age limit for the candidates. The candidates who have passed the class 12 equivalent examination or are appearing in irrespective of their age can appear in CUET (UG). However, the candidates will be required to fulfill the age criteria (if any) of the University (ies) in which they are desirous of taking admission.

  • As the eligibility criteria for admission may be unique for every University, the candidates are advised to visit the University website to which they are applying for their respective programs.


1) Mode of Examination:

CUET (UG) will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode

2)Medium of Examination:

  • The Tests (other than “Language” Test) are offered in 13 languages.
  • A candidate is required to opt for one of the specified languages as the medium of the paper, as per desired University’s eligibility criteria, while applying.
  • The question paper in respect of the Domain Specific Subjects and the General Test, will
    be bi-lingual, i.e., it will be in the medium (one of the 13 languages) opted by the candidate
    and in English.

3) Pattern of Question Paper:

  • Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

4) Tests Design:

  • Section IA - 13 Languages (As a medium and “Language”)
  • Section IB - 20 Languages
  • Section II - 27 Domain Specific Subjects
  • Section III - General Test


Examination will be conducted on multiple days in two slots per day as given below:


CUET Exam Details

Exam ParticularsDetails
Exam NameCommon Universities Entrance Test (CUET)
Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Level of ExamUniversity Level
Courses OfferedUndergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs
Central Universities45
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Mode of ExamOnline (Computer-based Test)
Type of questionsMultiple-choice questions
CUET Exam CentersAround 150
Official website

If any University permits students of previous years of class XII to take admission in the current year ,such students would also be eligible to appear

CUET Exam Pattern

Exam ModeOnline(Computer Based Test(CBT))
Number of Questions175 questions out of which only 140 questions is to be attempted
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
Number of Sections4 sections
Marking Scheme1 marks awarded for correct answer
Medium13 languages ( Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, English, Hindi and Urdu)

Examination Schedule-

  • Depending on the number of candidates and the languages/tests they take, the examination will be held over many days in two shifts.
  • Candidates should check the NTA CUET (UG)-2022 official website (available from 02.04.2022) for the most up-to-date information on the Examination.
  • Candidates can also contact the NTA Helpline at 011-40759000 or 011-6922 7700 with any questions or clarifications, or write to NTA at

Paper pattern

CUET (UG) – 2022 will be divided into 3 sections

  • Section 1 i.e. Language section is further divided into two sections, as follows:

  • Languages
    1.1Section IA-13 Languages
    1.2 Section IB-19 Languages

  • Section II-27 Domain-Specific Subjects

  • Section III - General Test

SectionSubjects/ TestsQuestions to be AttemptedDuration
Section IA-LanguagesThere are 13 different languages.40 questions to be attempted out of 50 in each language.45 minutes for each language
Section IB-LanguagesThere are 19 Languages.40 questions to be attempted out of 50 in each language.45 minutes for each language
Section II-DomainThere are 27 Domains specific subjects being offered under this Section.40 questions to be attempted out of 50.45 minutes for each Domain-Specific Subjects.
Section III-General TestFor any such undergraduate programme/ programmes being offered by Universities where a General Test is being used for admission.60 Questions to be attempted out of 75.60 minutes
  • A candidate may select a maximum of three languages from Sections IA and IB combined.
  • Section II contains 27 subjects from which a candidate can select a maximum of six.
  • For this, the Candidate must refer to the requirements of his/her intended University
  • If a subject is not listed in the domain list, a student may choose a subject that is closely linked to the domain list.
  • For Example-If a student want to pursue a career in biotechnology, they may choose biology as a topic. The domain-specific questions will be from NCERT.

Following are the list of languages from which student can select maximum of 3 languages

Languages (13)Languages(19)

Here is the domain specific-subject list from which student need to select a maximum of 6 subjects

S.No.Domain-Specific Subjects (27)
1.Accountancy Book-Keeping
2.Biology/ Biological Studies/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry
3.Business Studies
5.Computer Science/ Informatics Practices
6.Economics/ Business Economics
7.Engineering Graphics
11.Home Science
12.Knowledge Tradition and Practices of India
13.Legal Studies
14.Environmental Science
16..Physical Education/ NCC /Yoga
18.Political Science
21.Teaching Aptitude
23.Mass Media/ Mass Communication
25.Fine Arts/ Visual Arts (Sculpture/ Painting)/Commercial Arts
26.Performing Arts –
(i)Dance (Kathak/ Bharatnatyam/ Oddisi/ Kathakali/Kuchipudi/ Manipuri
(ii)Drama- Theatre
(iii)Music General (Hindustani/ Carnatic/ Rabindra Sangeet/ Percussion/ Non-Percussion)
27.Sanskrit [For all Shastri (Shastri 3 years/ 4 years Honours) Equivalent to B.A./B.A. Honours courses i.e. Shastri in Veda, Paurohitya (Karmakand), Dharmashastra, Prachin Vyakarana, Navya Vyakarana, Phalit Jyotish, Siddhant Jyotish, Vastushastra, Sahitya, Puranetihas, Prakrit Bhasha, Prachin Nyaya Vaisheshik, Sankhya Yoga, Jain Darshan, Mimansa, AdvaitaVedanta, Vishihstadvaita Vedanta, Sarva Darshan, a candidate may choose Sanskrit as the Domain].

Note-Sanskrit paper in Section 1B will be used to evaluate Reading Comprehension (based on different sorts of passages–Factual, Literary, and Narrative, [Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary]) for students who are writing Sanskrit as a domain subject in Section 2.

CUET Syllabus

  • Section IA & IB: Language to be tested through Reading Comprehension (based on different types of passages Factual, Literary and Narrative [Literary Aptitude & Vocabulary].

  • The Common Universities Common Entrance Test (CUET) syllabus will cover a variety of courses from the previous academic year’s syllabus.

  • The CUET Curriculum 2022 for UG courses will be based on the academic syllabus of the 12th grades, while the syllabus for PG courses will be based on the academic syllabus of the associated undergraduate syllabus.

  • The General Test section will include-
    1. General Knowledge & Current Affairs
    2. Numerical Ability
    3. Quantitative Reasoning(Simple application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade 8).
    4. Logical and Analytical Reasoning

How to Apply for CUET

Step 1- Fill out the CUET Application Form on the CUET’s official website i.e.
Step 2 - To apply for the programme, go to the ‘Apply Online’ button.
Step 3 - Candidates will have to select the programme that they wish to apply to.
Step 4 - Finish the registration process by entering information such as the programme you’ve applied for, your name, a valid e-mail address, your phone number, your date of birth, and the verification code that appears on the screen.
Step 5 - Once all of the information has been entered, the application number and password will be generated and emailed to the email address and mobile number provided.
Step 6 - Log in with your application number and password and complete the application form by entering your login information, such as your name, academic qualifications, and communication address.
Step 7- Scan and upload a current passport-sized photograph and signature in the format and dimensions specified.

  • The size of the scanned photograph should be between 10 kb to 200 kb

  • The size of the scanned signature should be between 4 kb to 30 kb (clearly legible).

Step 8-Select and enter the examination centres- Select and enter the examination centres in order of choice.
Step 9 - Check the form before submitting the online application
Step 10-After submitting and paying the fees, an automatic e-mail and SMS is delivered to the registered e-mail address and mobile number.

All candidates must ensure that they have provided the correct e-mail address and mobile number.


  • All 3 Steps can be done together or at separate timings. The submission of the Application of a candidate could be considered as successful and his/her candidature would be confirmed only on the successful transaction/receipt of the prescribed application fee from him/her.


  • Merely appearing in CUET (UG) does not confer any right to the candidate for admission to the desirous University
    The selection and admission are subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, rank
    in the merit list, medical fitness, verification of original documents, and such other criteria
    as may be prescribed by the University, the candidate is applying for.

Application fee structure-

The examination fee details are as follows:

SLOT-1: 9:00AM to 12:15 PM(IST)Upto 4₹650₹600₹550₹3000
SLOT-2: 3.00PM TOUpto 5₹650₹600₹550₹3000
  • An applicant can apply for payment through net banking/debit/credit card/UPI/Wallet.
  • Applicants are advised to read Payment instructions carefully before paying the application fee.


For Multiple Choice Questions: To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option
corresponding to the correct answer or the most appropriate answer. However, if any anomaly or
discrepancy is found after the process of challenges of the key verification, it shall be addressed in
the following manner:
(i) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5)
(ii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
(iii) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0).
(iv) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only
those who have marked any of the correct options.
(v) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have
attempted the question

List of Universities

There are around 45 Central universities that are going to participate in this exam. The list of some of these are as follows:

S.No.List of Universities
1.Banaras Hindu University
2.Delhi University
3.Aligarh Muslim University
4.Jamia Millia Islamia
5.Jawaharlal Nehru University
6.Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya
7.Central Sanskrit University
8.Central Agricultural University
9.Indian Maritime University
10.Central University of Gujarat
11.Central University of Haryana
12.Central University of Himachal Pradesh
13.Central University of Kashmir
14.Central University of Jharkhand
15.Central University of Karnataka
16.Central University of Kerala
17.Central University of Odisha
18.Central University of Punjab
19.Central University of Rajasthan
20.Central University of Tamil Nadu
21.Central University of Jammu
22.Mahatma Gandhi Central University
23.Central University of Andhra Pradesh
  • The creation of a single entry for all colleges appears to be a positive step. Rather than cramming the syllabus, it shifts the traditional academic paradigm by concentrating on conceptual comprehension, critical thinking, comprehensive abilities, and decision-making capacity.
  • By providing “significant objectivity” to the admissions process and “equitable opportunity” to applicants to appear in a single national umbrella examination, this reformative procedure will minimise the load on students, colleges and institutions, and the overall education system.
  • CUET will also provide a single-window platform for admissions, making the process more efficient and student-friendly by eliminating entrance tests for a variety of colleges with differing degrees of difficulty.
  • Candidates will also save time, effort, and money by not having to pay several entrance exam fees.


    SakshiMishra changed the title to Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET)- Information Bulletin .

    SuhanaArora Following are the important benefits -
    1)It saves students from applying to different colleges through separate processes with diff fees and unifies the admission procedure, reducing the effort.
    2)It saves students from applying to different colleges through separate processes with diff fees and unifies the admission procedure, reducing the effort.
    3) CUET brings all colleges under one hood which means all students will be screened equally. CUET promises a much more student-friendly process. Diversity of boards and evaluation systems is mitigated.
    4)This new shift brings most coveted popular colleges under one roof and hence browsing through available options will be easier for any student.
    5) It will be available in 13 different languages, which means that the language barrier will be removed as our country is very diverse.
    The astonishing part of CUET is that boards will not be given weightage. This is both a pleasant news as well as a little scary. However, NTA has left open a window for allowing universities to set a minimum eligibility on board exams. We must find a way to give weightage to a child’s schooling career. 12 years of schooling should not be completely disregarded in the admission process.
    I hope i have solved your querry.

    The National Testing Agency (NTA), which is responsible for conducting the exams, will consider conducting the CUET twice a year from the next session. “To begin with, CUET will be conducted once this year but NTA will consider conducting the exam at least twice a year from the next session. The entrance exam will not just be limited to Central Universities but also private ones. Several prominent private universities have indicated that they would like to come on board and admit students through CUET,” said University Grants Commission Chairman Jagadesh Kumar.
    So from the above statement we can comprehend that there are high chances of CUET be conducted twice a year from next session.

    5 months later

    CUET UG Result 2022: UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar has announced that CUET UG results to be released on
    September 15, 2022.

    Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET) is an all-India examination to be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admissions in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various central & state universities of India including Delhi University, BHU, Allahabad University, Tezpur University, the University of Hyderabad amongst others.

      Merged 4 posts from CUET 2023(Common University Entrance Test) .
      8 days later

      which subjects i have to choose or Bsc agriculyure for cuet 2023?
      plzz help…

        shubham_raj Agrometeorology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Biochemistry and Microbiology, Livestock Production, Crop Production, Horticulture etc are options for Agriculture.. Choose according to your interest. I can share you the whole syllabus topic wise. Let me know if you want the syllabus also

        Admission Process for UG admissions have been started for following Universities-

        1. Banaras Hindu University
        2. Delhi University
        3. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University