
Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2022:Here is All you need to know

Indian Army

Indian Army Bharti is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young men to join the Indian army. It is the dream of every Indian citizen to serve the country by joining the army, every youth of the country wants to join the army and serve the country. And for this many young people work very hard too.
In today’s time, if you see, there have been many facilities for the soldiers, such as health facilities, increase in salary, etc. have been done very well. That is why today’s youth are mostly more interested to join the army.

Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2022

The Indian Army holds a rally/Bharti twice a year across the country. It ensures that candidates are physically and medically healthy and arrive at the rallying location on time. The selected candidates are required to write an examination known as the CEE (Common Entrance Examination). The Indian Army conducts this recruitment process in all of the country’s states and UTs. It is one of the most popular options for joining the Indian army.

Open Recruitment (Bharti) for GD Soldiers, Technicians, Nurse Assistants (NA), Clerks/SKTs, and Merchants is organized by the district under the direction of the respective ARO/BRO of the specific Zonal Recruiting Office (ZRO). In order to organize recruiting rallies, the Indian Army issues a preliminary program of rallies, divided into sub-cycles (monthly / semi-annually / annually).

Army Rally Bharti was taken out two to three times in every state in the first 1 year, but now it is taken out only once or twice in the states to join the Army every year, whenever the rally is taken out. You are informed 2-3 months in advance through the official website of Indian Army joinindianarmy.nic.in and in newspapers. So you will have only one chance to get recruitment, if you miss this chance then you have to wait for next year’s rally.

Highlights of the Indian Army Rally

Organization NameIndian Army
Job NameArmy Rally Bharti
Post NameSoldier General Duty, Soldier-technical, Soldier nursing assistant, Soldier Clerk, Store Keeper Technical, Soldier tradesman
Qualification10th & 12th Pass
Job LocationIndia
Level of ExaminationNational Level
Age Limit17 Years – 23 Years
Exam modeOffline
Official Websitejoinindianarmy.nic.in

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification:- Any interested candidate who wants to apply for Army Rally Bharti 2022, it is mandatory to pass in class 10th and class 12th by any recognized school. Only candidates who have passed classes 10th and 12th are eligible for Army Rally Bharti 2022 otherwise you cannot apply for that.

Age Limit:- The age limit of candidates for Army Rally Bharti 2022 has been fixed by the Indian Army from 17 to 23 years. Apart from this, different age is fixed for the recruitment of different posts.

Serial NumberPost NameEducation QualificationAge
1Soldier (General Duty) (All Arms)(a) Cl 10th /Matric pass with Min 45% mks in aggregate and Min 33% in each subject (b)Soldier (General Duty) (All Arms) (Gorkha) Class 10th Matriculation simple pass for Gorkha Male and Female candidates17 ½ - 21 Yrs
2Soldier Technical (Technical Arms, Artillery, Army Air Defence)(a)Sol Tech 10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and min 40% marks in each subject. (b)Sol Tech (Aviation & Ammunition Examiner) 10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and min 40% marks in each subject.17 ½ - 23 Yrs
3Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical (All Arms)10+2/Intermediate Examination Pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with min 60% marks in aggregate and min 50% in each subject. Securing 50% in English and Maths/Accounts/Book keeping in Class 12th is mandatory.17 ½ - 23 Yrs
4Soldier Nursing Assistant (Army Medical Corps)10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and min 40% in each subject.17 ½ - 23 Yrs
5Sepoy Pharma (Army Medical Corps)10+2/Intermediate exam pass and qualified in D Pharma with minimum 55% marks in aggregate and registered with State Pharmacy Council/Pharmacy Council of India. Individual qualified in B Pharma with minimum 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council/Pharmacy Council of India will also be eligible.19- 25 Yrs
6Soldier Nursing Assistant Veterinary (Remount Veterinary Corps)10+2 / Intermediate exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with Min 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% in each subject.17 ½ - 23 Yrs
7Soldier Tradesmen (All Arms except Syce. Mess Keeper and House Keeper)i) 10th Simple Pass. ii) No stipulation in aggregate percentage but should have scored min 33% in each subject.17 ½ - 23 Yrs
8Soldier Tradesmen (Syce. Mess Keeper and House Keeper)i) 8th Simple Pass. ii) No stipulation in aggregate percentage but should have scored min 33% in each subject.17 ½ - 23 Yrs
9Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers)BA / B Sc with Maths. Must have also passed 12th class (10+2) or equivalent with Maths and Science as main subjects.20-25 Yrs
10Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher (All Arms)The minimum educational qualification for appointment to this special list of Junior Commissioned Officers (Religious Teacher) will be a Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university . In addition, candidate must possess following qualification according to the religious denomination of the individual i)Pandit and Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiment . Hindu candidates with Acharya in Sanskrit (OR) Shastri in Sanskrit with one-year diploma in ‘Karam Kand’. ii)Granthi.Sikh candidates with ‘Gyani’ in Punjabi iii)Maulvi and Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts. Muslim candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic or Adib Alim in Urdu. iv)Padre Any person who have been ordained priesthood by the appropriate ecclesiastical authority and is still on the approved list of the local Bishop. v)Bodh Monk (Mahayana). Any person who have been ordained Monk/Buddhist Priest, by the Appropriate Authority. The term Appropriate Authority will mean Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has been initiated into priesthood. The head priest should be in possession of Geshe (PhD) of Khampa or Lopon or Rabjam with proper certificate from Monastery. Note:- The above mandatory education qualifications should be acquired by individuals from recognized universities. All the above eligibility criteria are common for In-service and Civil Candidates.25-34 Yrs
11Junior Commissioned Officer Catering (Army Service Corps)10+2 or equivalent exam and Diploma / Certificate Course of a duration of one year or more in Cookery / Hotel Management and Catering Tech from a recognized University / Food Craft Institute. AICTE recognition is not mandatory.21-27 Yrs
12Havildar Education(Army Education Corps)Group X - MA/M Sc/MCA or BA/B Sc/BCA/B Sc (IT) with BEd. Group Y - B Sc / BA / BCA / B Sc (IT) (w/o B Ed)20-25 Yrs
13Soldier (General Duty) Women Military policeMinimum education qualification is Matric /10th/SSLC or equivalent with 45% marks in aggregate and minimum 33% marks in each subject studied at matric/10th/SSLC level, without mentioning any specific subjects. (Note - * Upper Age limit will be relaxable upto 30 yrs of age (as on date of joining training) in respect of widows of Defence personnel who have died in harness.)20-25 Yrs

Physical Entrance Test(PET)

To be considered for the rally recruitment organized by the Indian Army, applicants must pass the PET and present their educational certificates.

Here are the PET details:

  • Race: 1.6 kilometers The applicant must complete the run in 5 minutes and 45 seconds. You will receive 60 points if you finish it in 5.30 minutes. If you complete the run in 5.31 to 5.45 minutes, you will receive 48 points; if you do not complete the run in 5 minutes and 45 seconds, you will receive a failing grade.

  • Pull-ups: 10 pull-ups will receive 40 points, 9 pull-ups will receive 33 points, 8 pull-ups will receive 27 points, 7 pull-ups will receive 27 points, 7 pull-ups will receive 21 points, and 6 pull-ups will receive 16 points.

  • The selection will also include a 9-foot ditch and a Zig-zag balance.

The applicant must meet the army’s medical requirements, which include having a healthy body and mind, clear vision and hearing abilities, and being free of deformities in the bones, hydrocele, and piles, among other things.

All zones and covered states and UTs

Zone-I: states of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, and the union territory of Delhi and Chandigarh.

Zone - II States of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, and Uttarakhand.

Zone - III States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Sikkim, West Bengal, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, and Utah in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Zone - IV States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerela, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, and the union territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep and Pondicherry.

Important Documents required for Online Application

Candidates who want to apply for Army Rally Bharti 2022 organized by the Indian Army, will need these documents –

1. Matric Certificate - The following details will be filled strictly as per matric certificate

  • Candidate Name.
  • Father Name.
  • Mother Name.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Matric Certificate number as issued by Education Board.

2.Valid E mail address - Each candidate is required to have personal Email Id which will be his user Id. All messages will be sent to the Email Id regarding Short Listing, Call Ups, Joining Instruction, Results, etc.

3.Mobile Number - Each Candidate will be required to have an individual mobile number. Sharing of mobile number between candidates will not be permitted. OTP key and other message will be sent to mobile number.
4. Details about your State, District and Tehsil/ Block of Domicile (Only for JCO / OR Enrolment Application).
5. Scanned passport size photo of size between 10 Kb to 20 Kb in jpg format. This photo will be uploaded on the application form.
6. Scanned photo of signature of size between 5 Kb to 10 Kb in jpg format. This photo will be uploaded on the application form.
7. Detailed mark sheet of Class X, and other higher education qualification, required to be filled in the application form as per the eligibility criteria of the category/ entry applied for.

Application process

Interested candidates who want to apply for Army Rally Bharti 2022, first of all-

  • Go to its official website https://joinindianarmy.nic.in.

  • After this, the home page of the website will open in front of you.

  • Now on the home page, you will see the option of JCO Apply Login. Click on this option.

  • After clicking on it, the option of registration will appear in front of you.

  • Click on the option of Registration.

  • Now the instructions will open in front of you, after reading the instructions click on the Continue key button.

  • Now the registration form will open in front of you.

  • Fill in all the information asked in this registration form correctly.

  • Now click on the submit key button.

  • Your application for Army Rally Bharti 2022 has been done.

Note: Only male candidates can apply for this.

Selection Process

The selection process for Army Rally Bharti 2022 organized by the Indian Army is as follows –

  • Physical Fitness Test

  • Length Measurement Test

  • Verification of documents

  • Medical tests

  • Issuance of Recruitment Admit Card

  • Written Exam

  • Final Result

  • Hiring process

Note:- Interested candidates who want to apply for Army Rally Bharti 2022 must be primarily residents of India and must be unmarried.

    SwechchhaRani changed the title to Indian Army Recruitment Rally .

    Tell me in detail about Hight’s eligibility for the Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2022.

      In general, for male cadets, the minimum height requirement for entrance into the Armed Forces is 157 cm, as specified by the recruitment agency. A minimum height of 152 cm will be accepted for Garhwal and Kumaon.

      Here is the post wise height requirement is given below

      Soldier General Duty170
      Soldier Technician170
      Soldier Clerk, Store Keeper Technical162
      Soldier Nursing Assistant170
      Soldier Tradesman170

      Note: Height is different for all states candidates.

      14 days later

      Andhra Pradesh me start ho gyi h Army rally 2022. Umeed ki ja sakti h ki aane wale 2-3 mahino me Delhi bharti rally bhi aa jayegi.

      hey, there has been no official notification of the Delhi army rally Bharti till now but you can expect it soon. Because other states rally has been started. So keep continuing your preparation …..all the best.

      5 days later

      Hi, you have not mentioned your age.

      So I can’t say exactly but there are different age and educational criteria for various positions in the Indian army rally. For clarity, you can see the details mentioned above.
      But as per my knowledge, your age should be between (17 ½ to 23) years. So dear if your age falls under this criteria, you can definitely prepare for the Indian army.

      So, Keep preparing and all the best for your future.

      There is no information regarding the exact date but it would be started soon because on the official website Recruitment Rally at Bhramananda Reddy Stadium Guntur Andhra Pradesh has been started so hopefully the latest update regarding the rally date would be updated soon. All the Best for the Preparation for running.

      Please clearly mention your Question, what do you want to ask Exactly?

      You can expect a West Bengal rally very soon because other states’ rally has started like the Guntur Andhra Pradesh rally Is going on …and it will end on the 30th of may …so hopefully, after that, you can expect it.
      so keep preparing…

      Date of Army Rally Bharti - 01-07-2022 to 18-07-2022
      Place of Recruitment Rally Bharti- RCTC GROUND BARRACKPORE CANTT but before going to become a part of this recruitment rally please once cross verify.