Andhra Pradesh me start ho gyi h Army rally 2022. Umeed ki ja sakti h ki aane wale 2-3 mahino me Delhi bharti rally bhi aa jayegi.

hey, there has been no official notification of the Delhi army rally Bharti till now but you can expect it soon. Because other states rally has been started. So keep continuing your preparation …..all the best.

5 days later

Hi, you have not mentioned your age.

So I can’t say exactly but there are different age and educational criteria for various positions in the Indian army rally. For clarity, you can see the details mentioned above.
But as per my knowledge, your age should be between (17 ½ to 23) years. So dear if your age falls under this criteria, you can definitely prepare for the Indian army.

So, Keep preparing and all the best for your future.

There is no information regarding the exact date but it would be started soon because on the official website Recruitment Rally at Bhramananda Reddy Stadium Guntur Andhra Pradesh has been started so hopefully the latest update regarding the rally date would be updated soon. All the Best for the Preparation for running.

Please clearly mention your Question, what do you want to ask Exactly?

You can expect a West Bengal rally very soon because other states’ rally has started like the Guntur Andhra Pradesh rally Is going on …and it will end on the 30th of may …so hopefully, after that, you can expect it.
so keep preparing…

Date of Army Rally Bharti - 01-07-2022 to 18-07-2022
Place of Recruitment Rally Bharti- RCTC GROUND BARRACKPORE CANTT but before going to become a part of this recruitment rally please once cross verify.

Indian army rally Bharti main pehle physical hota hai after that document verification and then medical and in last written exam hota hai….
so, first of all, you need to focus on the physical test.
All the best for running.

What is the minimum hight required for North eastern men to apply for army

    Physical Criteria

    Physical Standard of Various Categories

    RegionHeight (Cms)Height (Cms)Height (Cms)Chest (Cms)Weight (Kgs)
    Soldier General Duty & TradesmanSoldier Technical & Nursing AssistantSoldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical
    Western Himalayan Region (J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Hills (Area South and West of the Inter State Border between Himachal Pradesh and Punjab and North and East of Road of Mukerian Hoshiarpur, Garh Shankar, Ropar and Chandigarh, Garhwal and Kumaon)163 cms163 cms162 cms7748
    Eastern Himalayan Region (Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and Hill Region of West Bengal (Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts).160 cms157 cms160 cms7748
    Western Plains Region (Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Western UP (Meerut and Agra Divisions)170 cms170 cms162 cms7750
    Eastern Plains Region (Eastern UP, Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa)169 cms169 cms162 cms7750
    Central Region (Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadar, Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu)168 cms167 cms162 cms77*50
    Southern Region (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and Pondicherry)166 cms165 cms162 cms7750

    Note: Chest 76 cms only for Soldier Technical category from Central Region.

    Special Physical Standard

    Special physical standard as given below are applicable to the following with effect from 01 Aug 2004:

    Ser. NoPhysical StandardsHeight (Cms)Weight (Kgs)Chest (Cms)
    (b)Gorkhas both Nepalese and Indian1574877

    c) Candidates from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Group Including Minicoy.

    Ser. NoPhysical StandardsHeight (Cms)Weight (Kgs)Chest (Cms)
    (d)Tribals of authorized Tribal Areas1624877
    (e)Brigade of Guards1735077
    (f)Medium Artillery1705077
    (g)Corps of Military Police1735077
    (h)Corps of Military Police (Women)142-Proportionate to height and age as per Army medical standards.
    (j)Clerk General Duty / Store Keeper Technical162*5077
    (k)Religious Teacher JCO Religious Teacher JCO (GOrkhas & Ladakhi region Candidates)160 15750 5077 48
    (l)Soldier TradesmanMinimum Physical Standard of the regions given above, minus 1 cm Chest and 2 kgs Wt. Height criteria would be at par with Soldier General Duty as relevant to the region.
    (l)Havildar EducationAs applicable to Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical for various regions. However, preference will be given to the candidate fulfilling the physical standard laid down for Soldier General Duty.
    (m)JCO Catering (ASC) / SurveyorAs applicable to Soldier General Duty for Automated Cartographer (Engineer) various regions.

    Note: Regional physical standards lower than the standards laid down in Para 2 (h) above will be applicable to clerical candidates belonging to those region.

    Dispensation in Physical Standards

    Ser. NoPhysical StandardsHeight (Cms)Chest (Cms)Weight (Kgs)
    (a)Sons of Servicemen(SOS) / Ex-Servicemen (SOEX)/ War Widows(SOWW) / Widows of Ex-Servicemen.212
    (b)Adopted son / son–in–law of a War Widow, if she has no son including a legally adopted son of Serving Soldier / Ex-Servicemen212
    ©Women Military Police (i) Daughter of Servicemen (DOS), Daughtr of Ex-Servicemen (DOEX), Daughter of War Widow (DOWW), Daughter of Widow of Ex-Servicemen (DOW) (ii) Adopted daughter/daughter-in-law of a war widow, if she has no daughter including a legally adopted daughter of serving soldier/ Ex-Servicemen (iii) Widows of Def pers who have died in harness2-2
    (d)Outstanding Sportsmen (National / State level having secured 1st / 2nd Position in last two years)235
    (e)For candidates belonging to chronically poor areas and those desirous of joining overage categories who are from families engaged in traditional profession. This relaxation may be given at the discretion of DDG Recruiting (States) or Centre Commandants.NilNil2

    Note: An eligible candidate can be granted prescribed relaxations in all three measurements i.e. Height, Chest and Weight. However, he cannot claim dispensations of more than one category i.e. parental and sportsmen.

    Instant Enrolment

    Instant enrolment is provided into the Army as Soldier General Duty to the following through respective Regiment / Corps Training Centres:

    • 1. One son of a battle casualty.
    • 2. One real brother of a battle casualty, when deceased was unmarried / did not have a male child.
    • 3. One real brother of a battle casualty provided he gets married to the deceased widow who is issueless or has no male child.
    • 4. One real brother of a battle casualty provided he gets married to the deceased widow who has a male child but who has not attained age for enrolment.
    • 5. One real son of the battle casualty when the battle casualty has been invalidated out of service on medical ground.

    The candidates should meet age, educational qualification, physical measurement and medical standards. The concessions as applicable to the sons of servicemen / ex-servicemen in physical measurement will also be given in such cases. They will not be put through any formal test like Physical Fitness Test and written tests.