AkankshaMishra changed the title to DSSSB Junior Engineer Post - Information Bulletin .
7 months later

How many vacancies are to be recruited through DSSSB JE Requirement 2022 ?

    As per the DSSSB JE Notification 2022, a total of 691 vacancies are announced, out of which 575 are for Junior Engineer (Civil) & Section Officer (Civil) and remaining 116 are for Junior Engineer (Electrical) & Section Officer (Electrical) has been released for DSSSB JE Recruitment 2022. Check the department-wise & category-wise DSSSB JE Vacancy 2021 released from the below table. These vacancies are tentative and may be increased as per the requirement in the Departments/ Bodies.

    DSSSB JE Vacancy 2022 (Civil)

    Name of DepartmentUREWSOBCSCSTTotal
    North Delhi Municipal Corporation (North DMC)350924130788
    South Delhi Municipal Corporation(South DMC)220224000048
    East Delhi Municipal Corporation(East DMC)5112331809123
    Delhi Agricultural Marketing Board(DAMB)020203010109
    Delhi Jal Board (DJB)632301100198
    Irrigation & Flood Control (I&FC)340508110159
    Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board(DUSIB)371800180275
    Delhi State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (DSIIDC)150517100552
    Delhi Transco Limited(DTL)090105030119
    Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)020001010004

    DSSSB JE Vacancy 2022 (Electrical)

    Name of DepartmentUREWSOBCSCSTTotal
    North Delhi Municipal Corporation (North DMC)070104020115
    South Delhi Municipal Corporation(South DMC)010001000002
    East Delhi Municipal Corporation(East DMC)070102010011
    Delhi Agricultural Marketing Board(DAMB)030000000003
    Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board(DUSIB)010001000002
    New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)150707050337
    Delhi State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (DSIIDC)050002010008
    Delhi Transco Limited(DTL)001217050337
    Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)010000000001

    The employees are given House Rent Allowances (HRA) which depends upon the job location. Based on whether the DSSSB Junior Engineers are posted in metropolitan cities, big cities, or other locations, the HRA can be 9%, 8%, or 7% of the DSSSB Junior Engineer Basic Pay.

    A qualified DSSSB JE is eligible to get a pay scale as described below:

    • The basic pay of a DSSSB JE candidate is INR 34,000/-.

    • Besides this, DSSSB JE candidates will be eligible to get a monthly salary of Rs. 9300 and additional grade pay of Rs. 4600.

    • The DSSSB JE salary will also increase annually, which will be based on the performance and experience of the candidates.

    • The annual increment will be for will be for the next 4 years.

    • DSSSB JE basic pay will be Rs. 65,640 after 4 years.

    The salary also varies with the posts as described below-

    Post NamePay Scale (INR)Grade Pay (INR)
    Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical)9,300-34,8004,200
    Junior Engineer (Electrical)9,300-34,8004,200

      Besides salary and grade pay, DSSSB JE will also get several benefits as described below:

      House Rent Allowance (HRA)The HRA depends upon the job location. Based on whether the DSSSB Junior Engineers are posted in metropolitan cities, big cities, or other locations, the HRA can be 9%, 8%, or 7% of the DSSSB Junior Engineer Basic Pay.
      City Compensatory Allowance (CCA)This too depends upon the job location and can be 4%, 3%, or 0% of the DSSSB Junior Engineer Basic Pay.
      Dearness Allowance (DA)The DA is revised quarterly based on the Consumer Price Index. This component of DSSSB Junior Engineer Salary forms around 40% of the Basic Pay. Since CPI depends upon inflation rates, the DA can increase or decrease based on CPI.

      Apart from salary and allowances, DSSSB JE is also eligible to get other benefits as described below:

      • Leave Travel Concession (LTC)

      • Cash Medical Benefit

      • Defined Contributory Pension

      • Special Allowance

      • Accident Insurance

      • Loan for Personal Vehicles, etc.

      • Group Insurance

      • Gratuity

      • Group Medi claim

      Agar main EWS category se belong karti hoon toh, application fee kitni lagegi?

        The application fee can be paid through the following mode only: Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking.

        4 months later

        A notification for DSSSB Online Examination(Combined) is out that is scheduled to be conducted in the month of June.
        Can anybody tell the what will be the schedule for the examination?
        From which date it is going to start?
        What is the recent exam pattern?

          Merged 16 posts from DSSSB Junior Engineer Post - Information Bulletin.
          SakshiMishra changed the title to DSSSB Junior Engineer - Information Bulletin .

          You can get Exam date notification on alertexampathfinder.com if you subscribe for your exam.

          • Can someone clear the exam in just 30 days preparation?
          • Can someone share his/her experience if they already gave this exam?