SSC CHSL is the most prestigious exam conducted by the Staff selection commission (SSC) for high school (10+2) level candidates. This exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts such as LDC, JSA, PA, SA and DEO in various ministries/departments/offices of the Government of India. On average, 12-15 lakh people appear for this exam every year.


Exam Calendar

The process of CHSL is a long standing one and can last 2 years from the date of notification to the date of final marks/result declaration.

November Year 1Release of notification/announcement
November Year 1Start of application
December Year 1End of application
April Year 2Tier 1 examination
June Year 2Result of tier 1 examination available
July Year 2Tier 2 examination
December Year 2Result of tier 2 examination available
July Year 3Skill test
December Year 3Result Skill test available

Posts to be filled

SSC CHSL hires candidates for several posts. These posts can be classified as either group B (gazetted and non-gazetted) or group C posts. These posts offers aspirants pay levels 4 through 8.

Vacancies are determined in due course after the exams and are generally not available with the release of notification

Name of postPay level
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)Pay Level-2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200)
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)Pay Level-2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200)
Postal Assistant (PA)Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Sorting Assistant (SA)Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Data Entry Operator (DEO)Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Data Entry Operator (DEO)Pay Level-5(Rs. 29,200-92,300)
Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)

Procedure of application

  1. Visit ssc.nic.in

  2. Click Apply

  3. Go to CHSL tab

  4. From here, login and register.

  5. Follow the given steps to fill out the basic information and the application form.

  6. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the SSC website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.

  7. Application Fee: payable: Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only).

Eligibility and qualifications

Age limit (as on 1 January Year 2)

Age limitation in CHSL 18-27 years as on 01-01-Year 2

Age relaxations

Permissible age relaxation for reserved categories is as follows -

CategoryPermissible age relaxation (in years)
SC/ST5 years
OBC3 years
PwD (Unreserved)10 years
PwD (OBC)13 years
PwD (SC/ST)15 years
Ex-Servicemen3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof3 years
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ST)8 years
Central Govt. Civilian Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application.Up to 40 years of age
Central Govt. Civilian Employees (SC/ST) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application.Up to 45 years of age
Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried.Up to 35 years of age
Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (SC/ST).Up to 40 years of age

Essential educational qualification (as on 1 January year 2)

LDC/ JSA, PA/ SA, DEO (except DEOs in C&AG)

  • Candidates must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.

Data Entry Operator (DEO Grade ‘A’) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG)

  • 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized Board or equivalent.

NOTE : The result of requisite educational qualification must have been declared by the Board/ University by the specified date. Mere processing of the result by the Board/ University by the crucial cut-off date does not fulfil the EQ requirement.

Scheme and Pattern

The Examination will be conducted in three tiers as indicated below

  1. Tier-I: Computer Based Examination

  2. Tier-II: Descriptive paper

  3. Tier III: Skill test/Typing test

Tier 1

  • Tier-I will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi except for English language.

  • Test will be conducted in online mode.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.50 for each wrong answer.

  • Total time allowed will be 1 hour

SubjectNumber of questionMaximum marks
English language (Basic knowledge)2550
General Intelligence2550
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic arithmetic skill)2550
General Awareness2550

Tier 2

  • The Paper in Tier-III will have to be written either in Hindi or in English (not a mix of both).

  • Time allotted will be 1 hour.

  • The exam will be a Descriptive Paper in ‘Pen and Paper’ Mode in English or Hindi (Writing of Essay/ Precis/ Letter/ Application etc.)

  • Maximum marks will be 100.

  • The minimum qualifying marks in Tier-II would be 33 per cent.

Tier 3

  • Skill Test/ Typing Test for the shortlisted candidates will be conducted on the computers provided by the Commission or its authorized agency.

  • This will be of qualifying nature

  • Errors in the Skill Test will be calculated up to 2 decimal places.


Tier 1

English language

  • Spot the Error

  • Fill in the Blanks

  • Synonyms/ Homonyms

  • Antonyms

  • Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words

  • Idioms & Phrases

  • One word substitution

  • Improvement of Sentences

  • Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs

  • Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration

  • Shuffling of Sentence parts

  • Shuffling of Sentences in a passage

  • Cloze Passage

  • Comprehension Passage.

General Intelligence

  • Semantic Analogy

  • Symbolic operations

  • Symbolic/ Number Analogy

  • Trends

  • Figural Analogy

  • Space Orientation

  • Semantic Classification

  • Venn Diagrams

  • Symbolic/ Number Classification

  • Drawing inferences

  • Figural Classification

  • Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding

  • Semantic Series

  • Figural Pattern-folding and completion

  • Number Series

  • Embedded figures

  • Figural Series

  • Critical Thinking

  • Problem Solving

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Word Building

  • Social Intelligence

  • Coding and de-coding

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Number Systems

  • Fundamental arithmetical operations

  • Algebra

  • Geometry

  • Mensuration

  • Trigonometry

  • Statistical Charts

General awareness

  • Questions are designed to test the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society.

  • The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to -

    • History

    • Culture

    • Geography

    • Economic Scene

    • General policy

    • Scientific research.

Tier 2

The Paper will comprise of writing Essay/ Letter/ Application/ Precis etc as mentioned above in language of your choice between English/Hindi but only in one of these languages.

Tier 3 (skill test)

  • Skill test for data entry operator

    • Skill Test is mandatory for Data Entry Operators. No candidate is exempted from appearing in the Skill Test.
    • ‘Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (Eight Thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer’ will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage in 15 minutes.
    • For the post of Data Entry Operator Grade ‘A’ in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG):The ’speed of 15000 (Fifteen Thousand)Key Depressions per hour on Computer’ will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage in 15 minutes.
  • Typing Test for LDC/ JSA and Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant

    • The commission will hold typing test for the posts of in English or Hindi according to the choice of the candidate.

    • Candidates opting for English medium should have typing speed of 35 words per minute (w.p.m.) and those opting for Hindi medium should have typing speed of 30 words per minute.

Salary, perks and other benefits

Pay level and grade pay

Name of postPay level
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)Pay Level-2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200)
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)Pay Level-2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200)
Postal Assistant (PA)Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Sorting Assistant (SA)Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Data Entry Operator (DEO)Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Data Entry Operator (DEO)Pay Level-5(Rs. 29,200-92,300)
Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)


House rent allowance

The house rent allowance is given as a percentage of basic pay depending on the type of city

  • City X – 27%

  • City Y – 18%

  • City Z – 9%

Transport allowance

This is also based on what city the candidate is in -

  • City X – Rs. 1350

  • City Z – Rs. 900

  • City Y – Rs. 900

Dearness allowance

This is the cost of living allowance. Currently this is valued at 31% of basic pay.

Medical allowance

The government organizations will reimburse all the medical expenses of the treatment to any of their employees or their family members.


Pension is based on the amount of money that gets deducted from the salary the employee every month. This gets rewarded after retirement when the employee gets a handsome amount every month.

In-hand salary

Following is the calculation of in-hand salary(approx) that a CHSL aspirant may get according to his city after all deductions and allowances

Grade-payX cityY cityZ city

    nemankyadav SSC CHSL is the most prestigious exam conducted by the Staff selection commission (SSC) for high school (10+2) level candidates. This exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts such as LDC, JSA, PA, SA and DEO in various ministries/departments/offices of the Government of India. On average, 12-15 lakh people appear for this exam every year.

    Nice intro

    nemankyadav changed the title to SSC CHSL - Information Bulletin .
    7 months later

    Promotion in SSC CHSL

    To understand the career growth and promotions of a CHSL employee, we have to understand it separately as there are 4 posts to which a CHSL candidate can join.

    Lower Divisional Clerk(LDC):- Gross salary - 32k(x city), gp- 1900
    Data Entry Operator(DEO):- Gross salary - 40k(x city),gp - 2400
    Postal Assistant :- Gross salary - 40k(x city), gp - 2400
    Court Clerk:- Gross salary - 32k(x city), gp - 1900

    Promotion of LDC
    An LDC gets all the benefits of the Modified Assured Career Progression(MACP) rules. The rule of MACP gives timely promotion to LDCs. The promotion of an LDC also depends on the department he is serving. LIke Ministry of Defence gives the fastest promotion to LDCs.
    An LDC can become a Section Office with experience.
    Order of promotion:- LDC/Assistant/UDC>>>Division Clerk>>>Section Officer.

    Promotion of a DEO
    Data Entry Operator does not get promotions on the basis of experience only, they have to qualify the departmental exam called SAS, for which they will be applicable after 2 years of service. Other than this they get a promotion after 10 years according to the MACP rule.
    Order of promotion:- DEO Grade B>>> DEO Grade C>>>DEO Grade F(system analyst)

    Promotion of PA/SA
    This job profile has the highest career growth.
    The PA/SA initially joins under the grade pay of 2400. But just after 3 years of service, they are promoted to 2800 GP(Accountant). After 5 years, the PA/SA gets a chance to be promoted as an Inspector pf Post.
    Again all MACP rules are applicable to a PA/SA.
    Order of Promotion:-LSG Supervisor>>> HSG Senior Supervisor>>> HSG Chief Supervisor

    Promotion of a Court Clerk

    The hierarchy of promotion in this department is:- Court Clerk>>> Senior Clerk>>> Head Clerk>>> Office Superiented

      CHSL 2018 UFM Case

      UFM stands for UnFair Means.

      According to SSC UFM rule, any kind of personal information/real or imaginary names/addresses or any clue that leads to any candidate in the answer sheet is not allowed. Candidates using this type of information will come under UFM and will be awarded 0 marks or be disqualified. Revealing identity is strictly prohibited.

      As we know the tier 2 of SSC CHSL is a descriptive paper in which we have to write an essay and a letter/precis.
      While writing the letter in the descriptive paper several students inadvertently wrote some address, pin code, or some name. As per SSC, writing any kind of information on the paper applies Unfair Means(UFM). This was not mentioned in SSC CHSL 2018 notification although it was mentioned in the question paper.

      As it was a very new rule in the descriptive paper many students were unaware of it.

      After the declaration of the tier 2 result, thousands of students were disqualified in the exam and it became highlighted news.

      After several grievances of the students, SSC appointed a committee to inquire into it.
      After the report of the committee, every single student who was disqualified due to UFM was given a chance to participate in the next tier of the exam.

      Due to this SSC CHSL/CGL got delayed by about 1 year.

      What are some examples of UFM that can lead to disqualification of paper?

        UFM basically SSC ke descriptive paper me lagta hai. Descriptive paper offline mode me hota hai aur iski copy bhi physically check ki jaati hai. To cheating ya fraud se bachne ke liya UFM lagaya jata hai.
        Jaise Kisi student ne answer copy me apna naam/adress/city kuch v likh diya aur ye ho sakta hai koi hint ho copy check krne wale ke liyea jis se us stuedent ko jyada no. mil jaye.
        To ise hi rokne ke liyea kisi v trah ka personal information answer book pr likhna allowed nhi hota. Koi naam, adress ya city agar galti se v likh diya to aapko disqualify kr diya jayega.

        To Know More about UFM click here.

          Looking at the current scenario and past years’ processes, the whole process of CHSL can complete in 2.5-3 years.
          And this is the time frame from notification to joining.
          As you can see:
          SSC CHSL 2017: Notification Date - Nov.
          Final Result - Dec. 2019
          SSC CHSL 2018: Notification Date - March 2019
          Final Result - Sep. 2021

          Chuki saare post ki requirement alag alag hai, salary alag hai isliyea preference v alag alag rahta hai, jiske wajah se cutoff v alag alag jata hai.

          Can i take the departmental SAS exam if I am in that department?

            SAS exam hota hai direct AAO banane ke liyea, jiske liyea graduation hona jruri hai.
            Agar aapne graduation kiya hai to aap de sakte hai.

            a month later
            6 days later
            a year later

            Process of filling online SSC CHSL application form

            The process of filling online application for the examination consists of two parts:

            Part - 1 One-Time Registration

            • For One-Time Registration, click on ‘Register Now’ link provided in ‘Login’ Section on https://ssc.nic.in.
            • Aadhaar Number. If Aadhaar Number is unavailable, please give one of the following ID Numbers. (You will be required to show the original document at a later stage):
              i. Voter ID Card
              ii. PAN
              iii. Passport
              iv. Driving License
              v. School/ College ID
              vi. Employer ID (Govt./ PSU/ Private)
              d. Information about the Board, Roll Number, and Year of Passing the Matriculation (10th) Examination.
              e. Disability Certificate Number, if you are a person with a benchmark disability.

            • S No-2,3,4,5: Fill your name,father’s name , mother’s name and date of birth exactly as given in Matriculation (10th Class) Certificate.
            • S No-6: Matriculation (10th Class) Examination Details which include:
              i. Name of Education Board
              ii. Roll Number
              iii. Year of passing
            • S No-7: Gender
            • S No-8: Level of Educational Qualification (highest).
            • S No-9: Your Mobile Number which must be a working mobile number as it will be verified through ‘One Time Password’ (OTP). It may be noted that any information which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this mobile number only. Your mobile number will also be used for retrieval of password, if required.
            • S No-10: Your Email ID which must be a working Email ID as it will be verified through OTP. It may also be noted that any information which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this Email ID
              only. Your Email ID will also be used for retrieval of password/ Registration Number, if required.
              Provide detail of State/ UT of your Permanent Address.
            • When the Basic Details provided at S No-1 to 10 are saved, you will be required to confirm your mobile number and email ID. On confirmation, your data will be saved and your Registration Number will be displayed on the
              screen. Your Registration Number and Password will be provided to you on your mobile number and Email ID.
            • You have to complete the Registration Process within 14 days failing which your Registration Details saved so far will be deleted.
            • Login using your Registration Number as username and auto generated password provided to you on your mobile and email. Change your password, when prompted on first login.
            • After successful password change, you need to login again using your Registration Number and changed password.
            • On successful login, information about the ‘Basic Details’ so far filled by you will be displayed. You may edit it, if required or proceed further by clicking on ‘Next’ button at the bottom to complete your one-time Registration.

            • S No-11: Provide information about your Category.
            • S No-12: Provide information about your Nationality
            • S No-13: Provide information about visible Identification Mark. You may be required to show the above Identification Mark at various stages of examination.
            • S No-14: Provide information about benchmark disabilities, if any. If you are suffering from any specific benchmark disability identified suitable for government jobs, then provide Disability Certification Number.

            • S No: 15 to 18: Provide information about your Permanent and Present Address. Save the data and proceed further to the last Part of the Registration Process.
            • Save the information provided. Take draft printout and review the information filled in the Registration Form carefully, before ‘Final Submit’.
            • Read the ‘Declaration’ carefully, if you agree with the declaration, click ‘I Agree’.
            • Upon clicking ‘Final Submit’ different OTPs will be sent on your mobile number and Email ID. You need to enter one of the two OTPs at designated field to complete the Registration Process.
            • After submission of Basic information, if the registration process is not completed within 14 days, your data will be deleted from the system.

            Part-II Online Application Form

            1. Before proceeding with filling of online application, keep the following data ready:
            2. Recent scanned colour passport size photograph (i.e. not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination) in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The Photograph should be without cap and spectacles. The frontal view of the face should be clearly visible. Applications with blurred photograph will be rejected. If the photograph is not uploaded by the candidate in the desired format, his application/ candidature will be rejected or cancelled. Specimen of photographs delineating photograph acceptable/ photograph not acceptable is also given at Annexure-V.
            3. Scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the signature should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 2.0 cm (height). Applications with illegible/ blurred signature will be rejected.
            4. Details of qualifying educational qualification like passing year, roll number, percentage/ CGPA, name of university, etc.
            5. Login to online system through your ‘Registration Number’ and password.
            6. Click ‘Apply’ link in ‘Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination 2023’ Section under ‘Latest Notifications’ tab.

            • Information in columns at S No-1 to 14 will be automatically filled from your One- time Registration Data which is non-editable. However, if you want to modify any of One-time Registration details, click on ‘Modify Registration’ tab provided at the left-hand top corner of your dashboard and make suitable corrections before proceeding further.

            • S No-15: Give your preference for Examination Centers. You may choose examination Centers within the same Region. Choice for all the three Centers must be given in the order of preference. Please see Para-12 of the Notice of Examination for more information.
            • S No-16: Select the medium for Computer Based Examination (CBE). The list of languages for the examination is given at Annexure-XVI of the Notice.
            • S No-17: Select the medium of Typing Test.
            • S No-18: Click ‘Yes’ if you have passed 12th Standard in Science Stream with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized Board or equivalent or else ‘No’.
            • S No-19: If you are serving in Armed Forces or are an ex-serviceman, fill up the required information. Wards of servicemen/ ex-servicemen are not treated as ex-servicemen and therefore they should select ‘No’.

            • S No-20.1: Provide information on whether you are a person with benchmark disabilities (40% or more) in the category of Blindness (VH). This option will be available only to PwBD-Other candidates as per S No 9.1. Candidates opting ‘Yes’ against S. No 20.1 will be eligible for Scribe/ compensatory time, however, such candidates will have to produce the Multiple Disability Certificate with atleast 40% VH (B/ LV) disability at the time of examination. Please refer Para 7.1 of the Notice of Examination.
            • S No-20.2: Provide information on whether you are a person with benchmark disabilities (40% or more) in the category of OH- Both Arms Affected (OH-BA) or OH- Cerebral Palsy (OH-CP). This option will be available only to PwBD-OH and PwBD-Other candidates as per S No 9.1. Candidates opting ‘Yes’ against S. No 20.1 will be eligible for Scribe/ compensatory time, however, such candidates will have to produce the Disability Certificate with atleast 40% OH-BA or OH-CP disability at the time of examination. Please refer Para 7.1 of the Notice of Examination.
            • S No-20.3: Indicate if you have physical limitation to write as per Para 7.2 or 7.3 of the Notice and scribe is required to write on your behalf. This option will not be applicable for those candidates who are either PwBD-VH candidates as per S No 9.1 or have opted ‘Yes’ against S No 20.1 or S No 20.2. This option will be available to all other PwBD and non-PwBD candidates. PwBD Candidates as per S No 9 opting ‘Yes’ against S. No 20.3 will be eligible for Scribe/ compensatory time, however, such candidates will have to produce the certificate from competent authority as per format at Annexure-I of the Notice of Examination, at the time of Examination. Non-PwBD Candidates as per S No 9 (i.e. PwD below 40% disability) opting ‘Yes’ against S. No 20.3 will be eligible for Scribe/ compensatory time, however, such candidates will have to produce the certificate from competent authority as per format at Annexure-IA to the Notice of Examination, at the time of Examination. Please go through Para-7.2 & 7.3 of the Notice of Examination for more information.
            • S No-20.4 to 20.6: If you are eligible for availing the facility of scribe as per Para-7 of the Notice of examination, provide information about the requirement of scribe. These options will be available only to candidates opting ‘Yes’ against either of S No 20.1 or 20.2 or 20.3.
            • S No-21: If you are seeking age relaxation, select appropriate age-relaxation category.
            • S No-22: Indicate your highest educational qualification.
            • S No-23: Provide details of the qualifying educational qualification.
            • S No-24: Please see Notice of Examination, Para No: 21 and fill up accordingly.
            • S No-25 to 27: Information with regard to Present and Permanent Address will be filled up automatically from the One-time Registration Data.

            • Upload your recent Photograph without spectacles/cap (not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination) as specified at S. No-1a above. Applications with blurred photograph will be rejected. Specimen of photograph acceptable/ photograph not acceptable is given at Annexure-V. Candidates may refer to the same.
            • Upload your signature as specified at S.No.-1b above. Applications with blurred signatures will be rejected.
            • S No-28: The photograph uploaded above should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination. Click ‘Yes’, if the photograph uploaded above is not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination.
            • Go through the declaration carefully and click on “I agree” check box if you accept the same. Fill up Captcha code.
            • Preview and verify the information provided by you. If you want to modify any entry, click on ‘Edit/ Modify’ button and make requisite corrections before proceeding further. When you are satisfied that the information is correctly filled, preview and verify the information and submit the Application. You will not be able to make any correction in the online application after submission of the application.
            • Proceed to make fee payment if you are not exempted from payment of fee.
            • Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. Refer Para-10 of the Notice of Examination for further information on the payment of fee.
            • When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted ‘Provisionally’ and status of the application will be indicated as ‘Application Received (Contents Not Verified)’. Candidate should take printout of the application form for their own records. Printout of the ‘Application Form’ is normally not required to be submitted to the Commission at any stage. However, you may be required to provide printout of the online application form to address grievances related to online application, if any.