भारतीय सेनाओ को विश्व की बेहतरीन सेना बनाने की दिशा में आज Cabinet Committee on Security ने एक ऐतिहासिक निर्णय लिया है I आज हम ‘अग्निपथ’ नामक एक transformative योजना ला रहे हैं जो हमारी Armed Forces में transformative changes लाकर उन्हें fully modern और well equipped बनाएगी Rajnath Singh

अग्निपथ’ योजना में भारतीय युवाओं को, बतौर ‘अग्निवीर’ armed forces में सेवा का अवसर प्रदान किया जाएगा। यह योजना देश की सुरक्षा को मजबूत करने एवं हमारे युवाओं को military service का अवसर देने के लिए लाई गई है: Rajnath Singh

आप सब इस बात से जरूर सहमत होंगे, कि संपूर्ण राष्ट्र, खास तौर पर हमारे युवा, armed forces को सम्मान की दृष्टि से देखते हैं। अपने जीवन काल में कभी न कभी प्रत्येक बच्चा सेना की वर्दी धारण करने की तमन्ना रखता है Rajnath Singh

Youthful profile से यह फायदा भी होगा, कि उन्हें नई-नई technologies के लिए आसानी से Train किया जा सकेगा, और उनकी health और Fitness का Level भी बेहतर होगा Rajnath Singh

अग्निपथ योजना के अंतर्गत यह प्रयास किया जा रहा है, कि Indian Armed Forces का profile उतना ही youthful हो, जितना कि wider Indian population का profile है Rajnath Singh

इससे economy को भी higher skilled workforce की उपलब्धता होगी जो productivity gain और overall GDP growth में सहायक होगा. अग्निपथ’ योजना से employment opportunities बढ़ेगी। अग्निवीर सेवा के दौरान अर्जित skills एवं experience, उन्हें विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में employment प्राप्त होंगे Rajnath Singh

अग्निवीरों के लिए एक अच्छी pay package, 4 साल की सेवा के बाद exit पर Seva Nidhi Package एवं एक liberal ‘Death and disability package’ की भी व्यवस्था की गई है

Prof. Nageshwar Rao VC IGNOU ne kaha, yah yojana yuva agnishaamakon aur raksha balon ke any karmiyon ke lie sakriy seva ke baad pun: rojagaar ke daayare ko badhaane ke lie taiyaar ki gai hai.


Violent protests are going on in different parts of the country against Agnipath Scheme. Meanwhile, Many trains have been stopped at Deendayal Upadhyay Junction at Varanasi Juction .

  • 12802 Purusottm Express
  • 20802 Magadh Express
  • 22450 New Delhi Gauhati Northeast Sampark Kranti
  • 12391 Shramjeevi Express
  • 12792 Danapur Secunderabad Express
  • 12142 Patliputra Lokmanyatilak Express
  • 13250 Bhabua Patna Intercity
  • 03693 Dehri On Sone - DDU Passenger
  • 15657 Brahmaputra Mail
  • 19313 Indore Patna Express
  • 19483 Ahmedabad Barauni Express

Some more official information about the Agnipath scheme:

  • One in 4 get a confirmed job, chance of Absorption
  • Opportunities for recruitment in big companies
  • Better job options than others
  • Opportunity to settle in life in 24 years
  • Priority in the Allied Forces of the Police
  • Priority in CAPFs and Assam Rifles
  • At the age of 21-24 years, with the savings of 7-8 lakhs, you will be able to add an amount of 20 lakhs.
  • 12 lakh deposit
  • 4 mein se ek ko pakkee naukaree, absorption ka mauka
  • badee kampaniyon mein niyukti ke avasar
  • any kee tulana mein naukaree ke behatar vikalp
  • 24 saal mein jeevan mein saittlai hone ka avasar
  • police ke sahayogee balon mein praathamikata
  • capfs va assam raiphals mein praathamikata
  • 21-24 varsh kee aayu mein 7-8 laakh kee savings ke saath 20 laakh kee raashi jod sakenge
  • 12 laakh kee jamaapoonjee

Why people are protesting against the scheme?

Support to Agnipath Scheme by Department of School Education & Literacy through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

The Ministry of Defence, GoI has unveiled the “Agnipath” scheme which is a pan India merit-based recruitment scheme for enrolling soldiers, airmen and sailors. It is a transformative initiative that will provide a youthful profile to the armed forces. Under this scheme, young persons will be provided an opportunity to serve in the armed forces as “Agniveer”. It provides an opportunity for youth to serve in the regular cadre of the armed forces for a period of 4 years including training period. Agniveers shall be recruited between the ages of 17.5 to 21 years. Candidates who are 10th /12th pass can apply for the recruitment process.
The Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education welcomes this initiative of the Government of India to induct young men and women into the armed forces to develop a vibrant defence force and disciplined skilled youth with military ethos in civil society.

To support this initiative, the Department of School Education & Literacy through its autonomous institution, the National Institute of Open Schooling, is instituting a special programme in consultation with the Defence Authorities to enable those Agniveers who are 10th class pass to further their education and obtain a 12th class pass Certificate by developing customized courses that are not only current but very relevant to their area of service. This certificate is recognised for both employment and higher education purposes in the whole country. This will benefit the Agniveers to gain adequate educational qualification and skills to take up productive role in society later in life. This special programme of NIOS will facilitate enrolment, development of courses, student support, provision of self-learning material, accreditation of study centres, personal contact programme, evaluation and certification. Open schooling system of NIOS which is extremely user friendly and accessible to all from anywhere, anytime opens its doors to all the Agniveers under the Agnipath Scheme.

DFS holds meeting with Public Sector Banks, Insurance Companies & Financial Institutions to identify ways to support Agniveers
PSBs, PSICs & FIs to work on modalities to support Agniveers through suitable credit facilities, existing Govt Schemes and Insurance products

The Union Cabinet on 14th June, 2022 approved an attractive recruitment scheme for Indian youth service in the Armed Forces called AGNIPATH and the youth selected under this scheme will be known as ‘Agniveers’. AGNIPATH allows patriotic and motivated youth to serve in the Armed Forces for the period of four years. The AGNIPATH scheme has been designed to enable a youthful profile of the Armed Forces.

In order to identify ways in which the Banks and Financial Institutions can support the ‘Agniveers’ on completion of their tenure of duty, the Secretary, Department of Financial Services (DFS) held a meeting with Chief Executives of Public Sector Banks (PSBs), Public Sector Insurance Companies (PSICs) and Financial Institutions (FIs), here today. In the meeting, Joint Secretary, Department of Military Affairs made a presentation on the salient aspects of the AGNIPATH scheme.

During the meeting, it was decided that PSBs, PSICs and FIs would explore employment opportunities for ‘Agniveers’ in suitable capacities based on their educational qualifications and skills through suitable benefits/relaxations, etc.

It was also decided that Banks would explore possibilities of supporting ‘Agniveers’ through suitable credit facilities for skill upgradation, education for setting up businesses and to take up self-employment. The existing Government schemes such as MUDRA, Stand Up India etc. would be leveraged for extending such support to ‘Agniveers’.

As violent protests escalate against Agnipath’s radical new scheme to recruit soldiers for only four years, the government announced late Thursday that the upper age limit for candidates would now be raised from 21 to 23 as a one-time exception.

The government also stressed that military recruitment in the coming years will be about three times the current recruitment rate, while also opening up several opportunities for those demobilized after a four-year tenure.

4 साल बाद क्या करेंगे ‘अग्निवीर (Agniveer)’

  • 4 साल के Disciplined और Skilled जीवन के बाद 24 साल की उम्र का व्यक्ति अन्य की तुलना में नौकरी पाने के लिए हमेशा एक बेहतर विकल्प होगा

  • 4 साल बाद ग्रह मंत्रलय ने योग्य अग्निवीरों को CAPFs और असम राइफल्स में भर्ती में प्राथमिकता देनेकी बात कही हैं।

  • 4 में से 1 को पक्की नौकरी, करियर में Absorption का चांस क्या कम है ? कितने लोगों के पास 21 से 24 साल के बीच 12 लाख की जमा पूँजी होती है ?

  • 4 साल बाद आप जैसे Skilled 3 Disciplined अग्निवीर को कई बड़ी कंपनियोंने अपने यहाँ Hire करने का ऐलान किया है

  • 4 साल में अग्निवीरों के लिए शुरू होगी ग्रेजुएशन डिग्री कोर्स, देश और विदेश में मिलेगी मान्यता।

  • 21 से 24 साल की आयु में लगभग 20 लाख की राशि जोड़ सकेंगे, 4 साल में 7-8 लाख की Savings और 12 लाख केंद्र देगी आप में से कितने लोग 24 साल में जीवन में Settle हो जाते हैं ?

  • 4 साल बाद कई राज्य सरकार जैसे उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्य प्रदेश, उत्तराखंड, हरियाणा और असम ने अग्निवीरों को सेवा के उपरांत पुलिस व पुलिस के सहयोगी बलों में समायोजित करने में प्राथमिकता देने की बात कही है।

    Bilkul sahi kha.. Train jalana, Tod fod kr ke apni baat mnwane ki kosis krna public property brbad krna ye bilkul theek nhi h… Aur bhi bhut trike hotey hai.. Aur jb govt ne bola hi nhi hai abhi tk ki vo regular army vacancy ko bnd kr rhi hai to abhi se itne drame kyu hi krne hai?


      Ha tareeke hai aur apnaaye bhi ja chuke hai lekin ye government hm berojgaar yuvaaon ki awaj sunti kaha hai asaani se abhi recent ka example hai jab NTPC ka result aaya tha aur uske liye asaani se twitter campaign aur peaceful protest hua to sarkaar chupchaap dekhti rahi aur jab dusra violence ka tareeka apnaya gya tab jaake sunne ko taiyaar hui yuvaaon ki baat to vahi hai ki ek kathan hai ki ‘भय बिनु होत न प्रीत ’ to aaj ka time ki yahi demand hai mai maanta hu galat hai lekin soi sarkaar ko jgaane ka yahi ek tareeka hai ab nahi padhke koi fayda nahi jab hmara adhikaar hme nahi diya jayega .

        PawanKumarKushwaha 21 से 24 साल के बीच 12 लाख की जमा पूँजी होती है ? - ye kaisi baat hai? punji jma kr ke kya mil jaega jb future hi settle nhi hai to? aur paise to kb kis reason se chle jae iska kuch nhi kha jaa skta.. ek regular source income ki hmesa honi chaiye.. Govt job ki sbse achi baat yhi hua krti thi ki job security hai aur vo hi job security ab govt job mae nhi mil rhi. Kya ye theek hai?

          As mentioned by Major General (Retd.) GD Bakshi in a tweet that Agnipath Scheme seems as a move to convert Indian Armed Forces into short term quasi-conscript force like Chinese troops. Further he urges that please don’t do it. I strongly believe that it will not only hamper the national sentiments towards Armed forces but also its prestige will be distorted. Further I would like to add that Armed Forces should never be entertained for Politics. It should solely be in the hands of Retired and serving officers to choose what changes should be brought to Army.
          We are already facing threats from 2 fronts i.e, Pakistan and China at LOC and LAC. In such situation if we will implement such controversial scheme, it will weaken our forces and the feeling to protect our country at cost of Army personnel’s life will no more be that strengthened.
          Violence is not the way to show our disagreement to the Govt but as Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh said after throwing bomb at Assembly Hall that “It takes a loud noise to make the deaf hear.”

          The main thing which made to be hidden is Pension. Pension was also main reason for Army personnel which is now snatched or taken away with the launch of new scheme. Further, as the inflation is growing the amount which looks attractive is actually not that worthy. Fee of Higher studies rising high with the time. Giving 12 lakh at once can never be a replacement for job security. It will simply prove a major step to bring INDIA’s RANK DOWN in HAPPINESS INDEX and also it will increase CORPORATE SLAVERY.