Staff Selection Commission(SSC) is an Indian Government organization, The organization has to recruit staff for various posts in the Department, Ministries, and subordinate offices of the Government of India.

As SSC conducts various exams, we are providing here the links to every particular exam-related bulletin.
Although the common information related to SSC will be shared here.

SSC Stenographer
SSC CGL 2017
SSC CGL 2019
Normalisation Process

Problems for an SSC Aspirant

As SSC conducts various exams every year for a Job in a central government department, Lakhs of people from every corner of India applies for the job.

If we see the data

SSC CHSL 201829.68 LAKH5649
SSC CHSL 201928 LAKH4893
SSC CGL 201826 LAKH11,271
SSC CGL 2019Approx 22 lakh8582

The seat for jobs is not even 1% of the application.
So the first problem starts here that what should we do to overcome our competitor.
For that, you have developed knowledge of everything that is in the syllabus of the vacancy.

Now if we discuss problems that an aspirant faces while preparing for SSC:-

  • The confusion starts with starting the preparation that which book will be the best book for the exam.

  • The second confusion starts when we have to select a coaching institute that which one will be better?

  • Now post corona one more confusion has started that whether to take an online class or offline?

  • A common doubt that everyone faces is that how many hours of study will be enough?

  • Which mock test will be good?

  • How many scores in the mock test are enough to crack SSC?

But believe me, these are the minor problems during preparation. The main problem starts when SSC itself starts playing with our life due to its lethargic nature.

Now let’s talk about some major problems:-

Exam typeTier 1 examTier 2 examFinal result
SSC CGL 2017AUG 2017FEB 2018NOV 2019
SSC CGL 2018JUNE 2019SEP 2019APRIL 2021
SSC CGL 2019MARCH 2020NOV 2020TILL NOT(01/11/2022)

So we can see how hectic this is. This is the most vital problem of SSC students that their exams are not conducted on time. It does nothing but demoralizes SSC aspirants.

And the last but not the least problem is the question of our relatives ‘’Aur beta kya kar rahe ho?’’

But don’t worry guys, we are the warriors. We don’t let it go so easily, we will grab every opportunity for which we are desperate.

    Filing RTI in SSC

    RTI can be filed in SSC through two different modes, Online and Offline.

    Method of filing RTI

    Offline Method:-
    To file an RTI offline one just needs to write an application on a blank paper to the P.I.O of the concerned office.

    Online Method:-

    STEP 1.

    • Open

    • Open submit a request

      STEP 2.
      Public Authorities Details:

    • Select Ministry/Department/Apex Body: Select Department of Personnel and Training(DoPT).

    • Select Public Authority: Staff Selection Commission(SSC) - HQ or any other regional branch you are in need of.

      STEP 3.
      Personal details of the RTI Applicant
      In these columns, you will fill your personal details like name, gender, address etc.

      STEP 4.
      Request Details
      Fill up the columns as required.

      NOTE: If the applicant is not below the poverty line select NO however if you are selecting YES you have to give a avoid proof.

      STEP 5.
      Click the SUBMIT button.

      STEP 6.
      Payment of Fee
      After submitting you will be redirected to the next page where you have to pay the fee. Click on the MAKE PAYMENT button for payment of the prescribed RTI fee.

      NOTE:- It may be noted that no RTI fee is required to be paid by a citizen who is Below Poverty Line.

      Delay in SSC results

      Not only SSC but almost every government exam(except UPSC) is retarted but we are so much used of this delay that we have stopped paying attention to it. SSC conducts the whole process of a certain exam in at least 2-3 years. From notification to joining in some departments take about 3.5 years.

      And this is the truth that these exams are being delayed deliberately. The whole process can be completed in 6 months but it takes years to complete.

      Now think, if everything goes well at every stage of a particular exam, there is no extension in the scheduled dates of the exam then we can assume that the process will be completed at the time but this seems UTOPIA as almost every time the situation becomes so bad that either someone files a case against SSC or the dates of the exam keep on deferring.

      The situation of the SSC exam process has become so bad in the last 3-4 years that everyone has started doubting SSC credentials.

      For example, SSC CGL 2017 Final result was declared in 2019, SSC CGL 2018 final result was declared in 2021, SSC CGL 2019 final result is scheduled in Feb. 2022, SSC CHSL 2018 final result was declared in October 2021.

      In the end, Requesting SSC and hoping at the same time that things will get better in near future.

        UFM in SSC

        UFM stands for UnFair Means.

        According to the SSC UFM rule, any kind of personal information/real or imaginary names/addresses or any clue that leads to any candidate in the answer sheet is not allowed. Candidates using this type of information will come under UFM and will be awarded 0 marks or be disqualified. Revealing identity is strictly prohibited.

        The various UFM rules that can lead to disqualification in the exam are as follows:-

        • If a candidate does not stick to the format of the letter and mentions the address of the receiver in case of an informal letter or adding irrelevant personal information to the letter, in that case, the candidate will be awarded zero marks.

        • If a candidate writes his/her name anywhere on the answer sheet or by mistake you sign at the invigilator’s column, then, in that case, his/her answer sheet will not be evaluated and will be awarded zero marks.

        • The candidate cannot write any real or imaginary phone number, address in the copy.

        • Some people put stray marks or even do rough work on the backside of the response sheet. Such stuff is strictly prohibited and can even result in the loss of marks. This also comes under the UFM category and hence must be avoided.

        • Writing unnecessary information other than mentioned in the paper will lead to zero marks. For example, if there is an address is given like Ravi, a resident of Noida. If the candidate writes Ravi Kumar, House No 56, Sector 18, Noida then it will be considered an unfair means and he/she will get zero in the paper.

        • Not filling the important things such as Roll no., sign, left thumb impression also comes under UFM.

          SSC CGL 2017 Paper Leak Case

          During SSC CGL Mains Exam 2017 which was held on Feb 21, 2018, several malpractices came to light. The malpractice reported was cheating through screen sharing, sharing of answer keys on social media even before the exam.

          When this news came to light several students filed a case against SSC to conduct the exam again. Several ‘Rallies’ and ‘Dharnas’ have held to re-conduct the Exam.

          The case was filed to probe into the matter and conduct a fresh exam for the mains but SC denied the re-exam although the matter was given to the CBI for detailed inquiry.

          Several persons who were in the malpractice function were arrested post inquiry.

          The case on SSC CGL 2017 delayed the whole process for about one and a half years.

          SSC Exit Verification

          During the exit verification process, biometric data of the candidates (Photograph and Left Thumb Impression(LTI), etc.) will be collected before candidates are allowed to leave the computer labs after the examination.

          The Exit Verification process has recently been introduced after the notice of SSC dated 05/11/2021.
          SSC Notice:


          The initiative has been taken to reduce the frauds/malpractices during the exam.


          Role of language in Descriptive paper

          It is a misconception that any particular language will fetch you a good score.
          It is the knowledge about the given topic and the way you represent that knowledge that will help you score more.
          The thing that works for everyone is his strength. If he writes an impressive letter/essay of appropriate words with correct format and accurate points he will definitely get a good score.
          Yes, command over the language you are going to write your paper is definitely a deciding factor.
          So, choose the language you have a good command of and you are confident enough to represent your thoughts and data on a certain topic.

            Normalization is not a score jise aap best kr sakte ho, ye ek process hai sbko equal ground provide krne ka.
            Moreover agar aapka shift tough hua aur aapne usme v aacha perform kiya to aapke marks jyada badhenge.

            Chittu SSC cgl and chsl mein jo seats mention kar rakhi hain, wo 2022 mein bhi utni hi hain, ya are there any changes in it?

              SSC hr particular year ka alag se vacancy nikalti hai, isliyea o hr saal vary krta hai.
              SSC ne CGL ya CHSL kisi ka 2022 ka notification nhi diya hai ab tk pr SSC CGL 2021 ka notification aa gaya hai pr SSC ne seats disclose nhi kri av tk. Aur SSC CHSL 2021 ka notification FEb. me aayega.

              The vacancy for SSC CGL 2021 exam will be released in due course of time on In 2020, a total of 7035 Vacancies were notified by SSC CGL.

              SSC CGLURSCSTOBCTotal
              Vacancy 2020-212891104651018587035

              It totally depends on the department you are going to join, as it can vary from 3 to 10 months.
              There is a process of getting a joining letter after cracking SSC.
              After the final result/merit list, the Dossier of the candidate is sent to the particular office for which he is selected. After getting all the dossiers from SSC, the concerned department allocates the zone to the selected candidate and then the dossier is sent to that zonal office. The selected candidate is called there for departmental document verification. And after the required medical test, the Joining letter is issued to that particular candidate.
              The whole process varies from department to department. As a Ministry can issue a joining letter in 2-3 months whereas CBIC and CBDT take almost 10 to 12 months.

              Approximately how many candidates apply for SSC every year?